Strawberry Shortcake

Tea type
Black Tea
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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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  • “Full Review on March 11th on Here are snippits: I have a handful of favorite strawberry teas and I have to say this one rivals them all. Considering the cost point of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve almost finished this tea without even rating it yet! I’ve gone back to this one many times to make a latte with, it’s really great for that. The dry leaves smell mainly of whipped cream and...” Read full tasting note

From Angelina's Teas

Cup Characteristics: A full bodied sweet and creamy cup. Perfect with a dash of sugar and a splash of milk. This one’s
amazing over ice.

Infusion: Bright and Coppery.

Information: Who doesn’t love Strawberry Shortcake? Fresh strawberries …pastry… icing sugar…fresh cream. In a word, scrumptious. The original recipe can be traced back to a 19th century American food writer named Eliza Leslie. Her shtick, (even back then all food writers andRead more

About Angelina's Teas View company

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2 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Full Review on March 11th on

Here are snippits:

I have a handful of favorite strawberry teas and I have to say this one rivals them all. Considering the cost point of just a tad over 2.00 USD per ounce, this one may be the best so far. Not that I mind paying more for a better tea, but this is right at the level of my favorite strawberry teas that are more expensive.

This is a stash keeper in my book. Fresh juicy strawberry flavor with a creamy dessert finish.

Sil 12 years ago

hmmmm…. may need to try this lol

Josie Jade 12 years ago

YAY! Glad you liked it!!

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358 tasting notes

I’ve almost finished this tea without even rating it yet! I’ve gone back to this one many times to make a latte with, it’s really great for that. The dry leaves smell mainly of whipped cream and very little strawberry, but the tea itself has a really sweet strawberry aroma. I’m not really seeing a whole lot of pastry or cream, it’s really just bursting with fresh strawberry flavors. The cup does become somewhat creamy with a little milk and sweetener. This is a nice tea, and I will probably keep it stocked so that I can have a cup (or a latte) every once in awhile. It tastes like summertime to me!

-Dry tea has medium black tea leaves and white and green pieces of flower.
-Dry leaves smell heavily of cream with a hint of strawberry. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet strawberries.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium brown color.
-Strong fresh strawberry flavor with a sweet finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Mostly strawberry flavor, little pastry flavor noticeable. Becomes somewhat creamy with a little added milk.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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Azzrian 12 years ago

I need to get this … in search of coupon codes I go…

Josie Jade 12 years ago

I’ve not seen a coupon for Angelina’s before. It’s a cute little tea store in a nearby town. If I’m not mistaken, I believe that Culinary Teas has a lot of the same blends, and it seems like it could be from the same source. I am actually going to Winston Salem this Saturday, would you like for me to pick some Strawberry Shortcake up for you? I’d be more than happy to, it will give me a reason to get to go to Angelina’s!

ashmanra 12 years ago

There is a tea shop in Winston? GAH! Where? What?

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Haha, yes! It’s in a little shopping center off of Stratford Road, in the area across from Trader Joes. :) Most of their teas seem to be listed online (

Janefan 12 years ago

I was just in Winston Saturday too, with a couple of my tea-loving friends (from a former tea group). We didn’t go to the Angelina’s shop, but we did visit Wade’s table at the Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate event and Old Salem.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Oh I didn’t know that there was a Coffee, Tea and Chocolate Event! Darn, I wish I had known, I would love to go to something like that! Is it an annual event? Old Salem has so many cute little things going on!

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