Adamo doesn’t put preparation instructions on the bag. There is no ingredient list on this bag either. I don’t know much about southern sweet tea so I wasn’t even sure what type of tea it was. It looked like there was some black tea dust and fannings mixed with medium sized leaves that were green. I wasn’t sure if the green leaves were even tea or something else. Before steeping the tea I went on line to see if I could get information on southern sweet tea and it sounds like this is popular in the southern United States and they mix lots of sugar to the tea then serve it with ice. However, I wanted to make the tea hot with no sugar and I still wasn’t sure what was in the tea so I prepared it with 90 C water for 3 minutes.
There were so much dust in and fannings in the tea that I ended up having a lot of particles at the bottom that escaped through my very fine infuser.
The tea didn’t taste bad but it was a bit wierd. Maybe it would have tasted better if I prepared it with sugar.