This is another of the Adagio white teas I got from Meowster’s cupboard clearout a couple summer’s ago (thanks Meowster!). So far this has been my favorite of all that I have tried; it was the most pleasant of the different flavored whites I’ve tried as a warm cuppa, and right now I’m drinking it as a cold brew, which I prefer even more.
The berry taste isn’t syrupy or candy-like, which can be the case in a lot of strawberry teas; but it isn’t really a strong, in-your-face sort of distinct strawberry flavor, either. I get a more gentle sort of berry sweetness, and a subtle tanginess as well, that I think compliments the refreshing white tea. This white tea isn’t coming off quite as leafy either, which probably helps (or maybe the flavorings are just covering it up more this time around). It tastes more like damn earth rather than autumn leaves, slightly vegetal, and a bit of melon rind, which comes in more at the front of the sip, but the close is a sweet-tart sort of berry taste; not distinctly strawberry, but an indistinct yet pleasant red berry sort of note. It’s a refreshing iced tea, and actually brewed a nice warm cup, too, while the other flavored whites I tried I really preferred as iced beverages to their warm cuppa counterparts.
Thanks for the sample, Meowster! Just one more flavored white from the cupboard clearout to go!
Flavors: Berry, Fruity, Melon, Sweet, Tangy, Vegetal, Wet Earth
When rooibos is added to Camellia Sinensis based teas it’s for non-taste related reasons (which I’m assuming is the case here) it’s usually to add body. Definitely MUCH cheaper options if you’re trying to use filler – rooibos is actually way more expensive to blend with than people realize.
Well I expect a generic white tea to have a light body so I still don’t get it LOL!