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Black Rooibos Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “Thanks so much for sending this one, Starfevre! This tea is bad news… because I’ve loved every Adagio I’ve tried. It definitely isn’t just bad teas with a gimmick that you can blend them… they...” Read full tasting note
  • “Finally getting around to writing a tasting note on this one. Leaving a rating because I did not create this blend, I just picked it out of the refuse of the multitude of blends to spread...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends

bitter sweet
created by: Abigail Sandoval
This tea bites back! Its bitter to start but gets sweeter as it goes down. I would suggest if you want it sweeter and to cut the bitterness to add some of Adagios Tea Honey and some white sugar crystals just to bring out the sweetness and balance out the bitter. The flavor profile changes dramatically once its cooled quite a bit with no ice, it tastes just sweet but with a bitter undertone!

This is my first hand at making a tea blend and over all I am happy with it to an extent only because I still have to learn how to portion teas properly but I wanted something bitter and sweet and this popped into my head I know the Vanilla is a little tart for me for some odd reason but it is a great tea, so I try it and if its not you your liking then at least you can say you tried. Also as it cools the tartness sort of fades and it gets sweeter and leaves a nice sweet but tart undertone. (Also My Art Work Looks Like A Two Year Old Did It. Sorry About That.)

chocolate chip, rooibos vanilla, coconut

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3 Tasting Notes

4340 tasting notes

Thanks so much for sending this one, Starfevre! This tea is bad news… because I’ve loved every Adagio I’ve tried. It definitely isn’t just bad teas with a gimmick that you can blend them… they are really good teas! This one is SO aptly named! It leaves smell like chocolate chips, pouring out the tea just fills the air with chocolate. The flavor is amazing, deep, dark and chocolatey, though it does dry the mouth a bit. There is a hint of coconut. It’s like a sweeter coffee… or it reminds me of the Della Terra cappuccino blend (so uh… maybe it reminds me of cappuccino??) The flavor certainly IS sweet and bitter in the best possible way. The steep color even looks like a cup of coffee. You’d be able to fool me, since I’ve barely ever drank coffee. This one seems more like coffee than tea! The second steep is just as delicious (though a bit less coffee like).

Terri HarpLady

mmmm, sounds interesting!

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772 tasting notes

Finally getting around to writing a tasting note on this one. Leaving a rating because I did not create this blend, I just picked it out of the refuse of the multitude of blends to spread around.

This is bitter and sweet in the best of ways. I do add sweetener like the description suggests, to bring out the flavours more and counteract a bit of the bitterness inherent in this blend. Mostly I taste the vanilla with a hint of coconut here, not much of the chocolate, though I did have a Della Terra chocolate tea just previously so maybe my chocolate tastebuds are burnt out. I like this blend and will consider getting more of it when I run out, due to drinking and sharing with Tea Sipper, who I think likes this blend even more than I do.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

oh whoops. I don’t know why I thought this was blended by you! I’ll go change my tasting note…


I do have two blends that are blended by me. I can send you some of them.

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