Picked up a sample of this one and Scary Christmas, as they were the only two from the Nightmare Before Christmas fandom set that I hadn’t tried yet. They’re both chocolate teas, which is why I left them out of my initial sampling, not being a fan of chocolate flavoring.
This tastes less weird than it sounds. It’s a mix of chocolate mint rooibos, strawberry black tea, and hazelnut berry puerh. I’m not generally a big fan of mint with berries, especially in tea, where the mint is generally much stronger than it would be in, say, a fruit salad with a bit of mint added in. But this is mostly chocolate to me, like a Tootsie Roll with a bit of mint in it. I do get a touch of the strawberry, but mostly it’s fake chocolate and mint.
Fine, but not my preference.
Flavors: Alcohol, Artificial, Candy, Chocolate, Menthol, Mint, Peppermint, Strawberry, Sweet
the idea of a rooibos and mint concoction absolutely turns my stomach…. yuck
You lost me at “Tootsie Roll with mint.”
This sounds diabolical
LMAO it’s so funny how everyone is disgusted by the idea of this tea! XD Honestly I expected it to be worse than it was, given the ingredients.
@MadHatter chocolate flavoring often reminds me of Tootsie Rolls.
No idea what Tootsie Rolls are, but it sounds probably too weird to me. If offered, I would try it; but it doesn’t like something I would buy for myself. Maybe as a sample…