Late Summer Blend

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Black Fruit Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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From A.C. Perch's Thehandel

Black Chinese tea with tast from Vanilla and Cranberry. Without tannic acid.

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6 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes


This morning on my way to work I passed by a building where I saw this in the window

The sign says that they are opening both a shop and a tea room there in August this year.


They’ve had the shop in Copenhagen for over 175 years, of course, and they’ve also managed to get a foot in on the Japanese market as a luxury item so they’ve got a couple of shops there, but this is the first new shop in Denmark, and it’s right near where I live! I’ll be walking right past it every (work) day.

This, ladies and gentlemen, has the potential of becoming very very expensive. (While actually saving money, because I’ll no longer be bound to amounts dividable by 100g and I’ll no longer have to pay the (modest for within Denmark) shipping fee.

I am celebrating this with a cup of the Late Summer blend which contains cranberry and vanilla on a black Chinese base, and which is one of my absolute favourites from ACP.

Can it be August yet? Can it? Can it?


Looks like I shall have to get back to Aarhus in August! :)


Nice! It’s funny because I was considering Aarhus (and Copenhagen too of course) for grad school. Never made it out to Aarhus but that’s AWESOME that they’re expanding like that.


Roughage, I told Husband earlier today, ‘FYI, we are GOING THERE!’ but he had already figured that out. I’ll have to drag my boss in there as well for one of our ‘afternoon meetings’ too, and I suspect she’ll be really easy to drag. :D We’ve been drinking ACP at work for a good while after all.

Incendiare, I know! :D I’ve always thought it was funny how they were establishing themselves so well in Japan and apparently never thought to try it outside of the capital in their own country.


Yeah, you would think that they would have done it sooner? Interesting how they sooner chose Japan. Reminds me of Andersen bakery.


Incendiare, as I understand it, it was some Japanese celebrity who had been in Copenhagen and had liked the tea and then asked them about establishing there or whether they would allow her to open a franchise or something. Something of that sort. I can’t really remember the full story. They had help anyway. :)

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15596 tasting notes

nomnomnomnomnom thank you angrboda! sipdown on this one. i figured since i had summer blend, i should finish off late summer blend! hahaha

I really like the flavours in this one and the blending with the black base! thanks again for sharing this one!

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362 tasting notes

This smells absolutely wonderful – and I realized one thing. I opened the packaging ( I am totally envious of the little ziploc foil packets Angrboda sent this in) and my first impression was that this smelled “american”. American not having any value associations, I just smelled it and thought it. And then realized why, it´s the cranberries! Cranberry and a hint of vanilla, it is a smell and flavour I associate with the USA. Though not particularly with late summer, but maybe because cranberries for me are so exotic and rare and not associated with any particular season. It is a a very good late winter tea as well!

And it works, it really works here. Very nice tea. Reminded me a bit of a black version of Thé à l´Opéra. Very nice base as well.

This was part from a wonderful surprise from Angrboda, thank you!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I agree, cranberries aren’t particularly summer-y for me either. Far more of an autumnal flavour, I think. Perhaps it’s the vanilla that does it.


I have no associations with cranberry seasonwise, so this was just extremely nice! And try Thé à l´Opera if you can (hmm, I can send you a teabag or two!)


Sounds nice. And yeah, I get the same feeling of “american-ess” everytime I taste crandberries. :D

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