I want to know what other reviewers are doing to make this an excellent, almost 100-ranking tea in their minds. This tea was the one that I’d waited for, salivated after, hoped for more than anything to get re-blended, and I ordered a variation of it in my own special sauce option in the Kickstarter project.
Why do I love these flavors so much? Chocolate Peanut Butter Haagen Daaz is my nemesis. If anything tears me away from eating well and taking care of myself, it’s usually that, and I actually had some last night because, well, I caved. So if I can somehow find this same fix in tea form? Sheer bliss! Having said that, I’ve yet to get anything tea-related with a good peanut butter flavoring to it, so…here’s to hoping.
This tea has the same weird smell that the other peanut butter flavors have in Frank’s blends, and it reminds me a bit of the Maple Bacon smell, but much less offensive. Drinking it hot, I definitely got chocolate out of it at the end of the sip, some peanut-like flavor and that was it. Cooled, it’s a bit more chocolate tasting, with some peanut dryness in there while still avoiding any astringency.
Do I like it? Sure. Do I love it? No. It’s missing a creaminess and sweetness that I associate with chocolate peanut butter cups – that cloying icing sugar dryness from the filling (which, if you make it at home? it’s just icing sugar and peanut butter mixed together). I’m not sure I’d even know if this was a peanut butter cup tea if I was just handed it, although it is yummy and I’ll definitely enjoy sipping it down.