Amethyst's Gold

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Teas, Calendula Petals, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Organic Vanilla Beans
Cream, Vanilla, Astringent, Creamy, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by LiberTEAS
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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Tea of the Week for March 13, 2017!

As you are probably aware, Amethyst is my eldest daughter and the owner of 52Teas. (I’m just the mad tea artist!) She wasn’t always as fond of tea as she is now – in fact there was a time when she claimed not to like tea but I suspect that was more about her wanting to rebel against her tea-loving mom than a true dislike for tea. When we’d go out to tea, she’d have lemonade instead of tea. Stuff like that.

Eventually, she discovered the joy of tea. One of her favorite teas was (and still is) a certain vanilla decaffeinated black tea. (You tea enthusiasts probably know which tea I’m speaking of.) She asked me if I could create something similar to that and my first response was “no” because I have yet to find a decaffeinated black tea that I could use as a base that I like enough to use as a base and that I can obtain wholesale. She told me that the ‘decaffeinated’ part wasn’t important, it was the vanilla. She wanted a SERIOUSLY VANILLA tea.

So, challenge accepted.

My first task was to find just the right base of teas because something I’ve learned is that it’s really all about the base. (OK – ordinarily when I say something that makes me think of a song, I link the video but I hate that song. I really, really hate that song. So if you want to hear the song while you’re reading this, google it.) So I spent a few months checking out various teas – trying to find just the right combination of black teas and I think I may have nailed it.

I combined a beautiful Yunnan Gold, sweet Fujian Black and an Assamica tea grown in the JingMai Mountains of China. Together, these teas create a solid base that is sweet and bold. Rather than being an aggressive tea that will work against the sweet, creamy vanilla, I feel like this tea will help express the most from the lovely vanilla essence. I added organic vanilla bean and a few calendula petals because gold!

A few years back, Frank had a French Vanilla Assam – so if you liked that tea – I think you’re going to LOVE this!

ingredients: black teas, organic vanilla beans, organic calendula petals and organic natural flavors

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

10 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

Totally adored this tea and now, it is gone.

And it’s a sipdown!

#long time ago internet hiatus sipdown

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2172 tasting notes

A really lovely vanilla black tea. I do think the flavor is starting to diminish now. It’s not quite so mesmerizing as it used to be. Still quite enjoyable though.

Flavors: Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1792 tasting notes

Totally approaching this tea from the opposite end and comparing it to the more recent Vanilla Marshmallow blend. I’d say that this one has a mellower base but they are so incredibly similar. This tastes and smells creamier than Vanilla Marshmallow, yet it’s not as vanilla-y. No astringency whatsoever with the base. It’s a nice blend but it’s not what I ideally look for in a flavoured vanilla tea. But I can see others loving this one.

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308 tasting notes

I swear, Anne over at 52Teas has really mastered flavored black teas. The base teas are so smooth and they always seem to compliment the other ingredients/flavors instead of competing with them. This is absolutely delicious. It’s one of the best vanilla black teas I’ve had…ever. I wish I had purchased more bags. I’m going to have to ration what’s left because I could drink this on a daily basis.

Flavors: Vanilla

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16956 tasting notes

Honestly, I’m a little surprised that I haven’t finished this one off yet! I guess that’s because I largely save it for when I really, really need something delicious and creamy to comfort me or cheer me up or as a bit of a reward!

I suppose this last cup kind of broke that ‘rule’ though, because I enjoyed a huge mug of this creamy vanilla goodness while binging the new season of Bojack Horseman. To be fair though, episode two of the new season is pretty soul crushing so maybe it DOES count as a “cheer up” cup after all? I just know that this is arguably the richest, creamiest and most authentic vanilla tasting tea I’ve ever had and it has a very special place in my heart because of that. When I want vanilla, I 100% know which tea to turn to.

Flavors: Astringent, Creamy, Malt, Vanilla


i missed getting this one and am so sad about it


I was thinking the same, Sil

Daylon R Thomas

The later episodes about Bojack’s mother…holy crap her history was….

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4843 tasting notes

This week’s Tea of the Week!

My daughter’s favorite tea (that I don’t make) is a certain decaffeinated vanilla tea that is pretty popular here on Steepster. She wanted me to make her a similar tea – strong on the vanilla – but the caffeine part didn’t really concern her. She just liked the strong vanilla tone of that tea.

Well, I certainly couldn’t make a tea JUST like that because, well, I don’t really like the idea of copying another company’s tea. In addition to my aversion to copying another tea – I also have yet to find a suitable decaffeinated black tea. I simply cannot find a pure decaffeinated black tea that I enjoy enough to use as a base for my blends.

So, instead, I did the next best thing, I made her the best vanilla tea that I could craft using some of the very best teas that I could locate and added lots and lots of vanilla.

If you liked Frank’s French Vanilla Assam – I think that this one will appeal to you. It’s quite lovely – the tea is rich – bold – and yet smooth. Not overly astringent. The vanilla is sweet and creamy.




I think if you ever found a suitable decaffeinated black tea, you could find Steepsters ready to buy stock in the manufacturer!

Super Starling!

WAAAAANT. Can you have Nichole put it in my next box? I want to try it and review it!


@SuperStarling – Sorry, I’m down to the last 3 pouches of this.


@gmathis – yeah, I know. The only decaffeinated tea that I’ve ever tried that was good enough – memorable enough – is the one that I referred to in this post. (Not naming names but I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about.) Having tried as many teas as I have throughout the years as a tea reviewer, I think that’s saying something.


There are days I wish the newsletter went out in the evening…can’t believe it’s basically sold out before I got home :(

Kathy Lora

good share!

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