First yellow tea review!
And I’m a bit confused of what to make of it. I think I would prefer a yellow tea without any flavoring added in, but here we have one with peach included. As a result, it’s extremely difficult to differentiate what flavors are coming from the tea, and what are coming from the flavoring.
Anyway, the tea is quite gorgeous! Lots of full, beautiful dark-green leaves, peppered with sunflower blossoms. The leaves are almost papery to the touch, but really, I haven’t seen leaves this large… ever. So I steeped up two tsps of this in my pot, and let it brew. This is sort of the last “big” tea I have from TG, so I’m hoping for something amazing. It steeps up to a orange-y yellow, with a scent that’s pretty peachy. with a hint of… buttery floral? I can’t really tell.
Anyway, the taste is pretty interesting. I can’t tell if I like it more than I do, or not. If that makes any sense. The taste is almost a little musky apricot. LIke dried apricots that you get in a bag at the supermarket. And then there’s an almost weird, savory quality. It almost tastes like a green tea turned into a black tea. It’s… bizarre. I guess it’s a light fermentation taste? But it blends too much with the peach aftertaste for me to really decide. The peach aftertaste kind of is like those gummy peach candies. Pretty sweet, but a bit one-dimensional.
This one is pretty nice to sip, but it’s not blowing my socks off. There’s something almost off and… odd about it. Something that just doesn’t fit. I can’t really place what it is that’s pretty off-putting about it, but I did have no problem finishing the cup. Hrm.
It’s just a bit weird in general.
This is the first flavored yellow tea I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!=D