Upping the rating on this one from 25.
So, this one has really been nagging me. After a lot of advice from various Steepsterites on how to correctly steep this one, I lowered the water temperature and took the rest of my sample to task!
The leaves this time definitely didn’t unfurl all the way on the first steep, which I figure is due to the lower temperature not scorching them into submission. And the infusion was about the same color, with the same aroma. Buttery shortbread with floral notes. Very mouth-watering.
The taste here is loads better than the first time! I’m getting a bit of a buttery afternote, but it’s mostly floral. There’s no astringency, and no ….
AHHHHH! I just got a call from a place that I interviewed at, and I HAVE A JOB! WHEEEEE! So now I have no idea…
Um, yeah, um. Tasting note. Um… Okay, it tastes pretty good, but it should taste better, Something’s missing, and I’m not quite really sure what it is. It’s almost weaksauce in flavor, although it feels like it should be thick and rich, it’s sort of missing that mark.
I have no idea what I’m typing anymore, because I’m SO excited that I HAVE A JOB!
I. Have. A. Job!
Grats on the job, you!
If it makes you feel any better I felt the same way about this one, and I’m really oving oolongs generally…it was just not as savory as I thought it could be.
YAY! Thanks guys for the LOVE! Much hearts for you! All of you! <333333333 See these hearts? They are for YOU!
Man, I am so GIDDY right now!
You guys are all awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And Jason, maaybe when the first paycheck comes in! :D
Congrats!!!!! :) Make yourself your fave tea to celebrate!!!
AWESOME! Super congrats! I hope it is doing something you will enjoy.
Grats on the job, you!
If it makes you feel any better I felt the same way about this one, and I’m really oving oolongs generally…it was just not as savory as I thought it could be.
WOOO! Yay job!!!
YAY! Thanks guys for the LOVE! Much hearts for you! All of you! <333333333 See these hearts? They are for YOU!
Man, I am so GIDDY right now!
Yay! Now you can buy more tea! ;) haha, jk. Congrats!
Congratulations hon! _
You guys are all awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And Jason, maaybe when the first paycheck comes in! :D
Congrats teaplz!
Yayyyy! Congrats!
Cool! :D Congratulatiosn.