drank Decaf Ceylon by Adagio Teas
187 tasting notes

I have a really annoying canker sore in my mouth. I bit my lip last week, and it’s developed into an ugly little bugger on the inside of my bottom lip. No, it’s not a cold sore, and no, I don’t have mouth herpes or some other thing. And no, it’s not contagious. But still, it’s sore. I read somewhere that tannins might actually help out a sore, so I’m drinking some black tea right now. But of course, it’s late, so I needed something decaf.

Okay, really bizarre thing. I had Adagio’s Decaf Ceylon the other day, and I found it to be a nice, basic decaf drink, perfect for nighttime. But tonight, after drinking Yunnan Jig earlier in the day, I’m finding this to be more flavorless than I remember. It tastes much more basic and much less special than the last batch I made, even though I steeped it exactly the same way as before. While the earlier Yunnan tasted like a yummy earthy beverage, this just tastes like… tea. Not that there’s anything wrong with that (I love tea!). But oddly enough, I was actually expecting something a bit different than how this tastes today. It’s comfortable and comforting and familiar, but it’s not dynamic.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I hate canker sores. They are so appropriately named, too. Canker. The word alone just sounds nastily unpleasant.

Yunnans are supposed to be the shizz of black teas, so I wouldn’t think worse of yourself if the ceylon is feeling slightly deflated now.

Black teas have tendency to do funny things to my taste buds. They take me longer to adjust to, and leave my ability to taste shifted for a longer period afterwards. I can think something is fantastic one day and be furrowing my brow the next because I can’t figure out why it doesn’t taste as phenomenally good as it did the day before. One of life’s little mysteries, I guess. Keeps me hopping.


Everyone keeps making herpes jokes at me. D:< It’s really irritating. Both the canker sore and the people making the jokes. Yeah.

And yeah, that Yunnan was pretty awesome. Not revelationary, oh-my-god-tastebuds-exploding sort of thing, but more of a damn-that’s-better-than-expected-MMM thing.

That’s interesting about blacks and your taste buds. Since I’ve yet to try the heavy hitters of the black world (like Assam and Darjeeling, just to name two), I’m pretty sure that most of what I’ve had so far has been some Ceylon derivative. Pretty much this one tastes like what Lipton should taste like. Basic black.


Just you wait until you get your hands on a really good Yunnan. I’ve only had one, but you should go read what East Side Rob has to say if you haven’t discovered him yet. I’m pretty sure 75% of his body fluid has been replaced by Yunnan tea.


Mmm, Yunnan. Keemuns are good too. Those are my two fav blacks.

Sorry about the canker sore. My hubby gets them all the time (he doesn’t have herpes either just any time he bites or pinches his gums he gets one). Lyzine is supposed them heal faster, too.

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I hate canker sores. They are so appropriately named, too. Canker. The word alone just sounds nastily unpleasant.

Yunnans are supposed to be the shizz of black teas, so I wouldn’t think worse of yourself if the ceylon is feeling slightly deflated now.

Black teas have tendency to do funny things to my taste buds. They take me longer to adjust to, and leave my ability to taste shifted for a longer period afterwards. I can think something is fantastic one day and be furrowing my brow the next because I can’t figure out why it doesn’t taste as phenomenally good as it did the day before. One of life’s little mysteries, I guess. Keeps me hopping.


Everyone keeps making herpes jokes at me. D:< It’s really irritating. Both the canker sore and the people making the jokes. Yeah.

And yeah, that Yunnan was pretty awesome. Not revelationary, oh-my-god-tastebuds-exploding sort of thing, but more of a damn-that’s-better-than-expected-MMM thing.

That’s interesting about blacks and your taste buds. Since I’ve yet to try the heavy hitters of the black world (like Assam and Darjeeling, just to name two), I’m pretty sure that most of what I’ve had so far has been some Ceylon derivative. Pretty much this one tastes like what Lipton should taste like. Basic black.


Just you wait until you get your hands on a really good Yunnan. I’ve only had one, but you should go read what East Side Rob has to say if you haven’t discovered him yet. I’m pretty sure 75% of his body fluid has been replaced by Yunnan tea.


Mmm, Yunnan. Keemuns are good too. Those are my two fav blacks.

Sorry about the canker sore. My hubby gets them all the time (he doesn’t have herpes either just any time he bites or pinches his gums he gets one). Lyzine is supposed them heal faster, too.

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28-year-old NYC girl just starting out on her tea adventures! I used to hate tea. If you asked me a few years ago what I thought of tea, I’d tell you it tasted like hot, dirty dishwater. Not anymore! I acquired a taste for tea when I started drinking peppermint tea for my upset stomach problems. From there I graduated to teas like chamomile and Lipton. But Lipton wasn’t strong enough!

I’m getting the hang of this loose leaf thing. Black’s my default, but I’ve found that I really love teas that fall into every category. I’m a purist – I always drink my tea neat. I prefer unflavored tea over flavored tea, and really dislike anything flavored with artificial-tasting substances. I’ve grown up a bit in my tea drinking, and I find that novelty appeals to me less and less.

I also am the happy wife of the boy that created the tea randomizer, which can be found here: http://www.jaydeee.net/pickatea.php


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