Following 5 Tea Drinkers

Roswell Strange 615 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

Lynn68 15 followers

I’m a huge fan of tea. I used to like coffee until I was introduced to DAVIDs...

Scheherazade 264 followers

Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...

Kristal 104 followers

I used to drink coffee, but it started to hurt my stomach so I switched to te...

Colleen 10 followers

I made this account just to look at reviews on teas I’m thinking of buying. O...



I share my life with my 2 Labrador retrievers and my wonderful boyfriend who understands my obsession for teas as he has his own items that he collects. It’s a win win situation as long as all the bills are paid right? Davidstea was the first company to get me hooked on their products in 2013 with their bright colors of tea accessories and huge selection of teas. And even though they have since discontinued some of my favorite teas, I still adore them but I have branched off to try other companies like Tea Taxi, Citizen tea, Tickled tea and recently Adagio Teas. My dream is to open my own tea/gift shop store one day.

*I only review tea once and then Update my post to add any new info to it. I like having an accurate count of how many teas I have tried so far.


Alberta, Canada

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