drank Lady Grey by Twinings
16 tasting notes

For a bagged tea this is a really good tea.. I like the extra orange I get.. A smooth tea with a great liquor and cup note (smell). This is one i would take with me when going out of town or over to some ones house to have a good cup..

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I love tea! and I love it more now that I have given up soda pop during the day time and only drink it after 5pm. I have picked up some great infusing tools and such.. i have a Vlog on you tube reviewing teas and teaware check it out if you like. let me if you have any kinds of tea that you like and want to see or read a review on. any teaware that new and cool i should look at. or just neat tea talk stuff.. Let have a cuppa.
Make Tea Not War


Wichita, Kansas, United States



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