Back logging from this morning, I made this after a strong cup of coffee, as I am a caffeine junkie, and drank it on my way to class. Instead of paying attention in Orgo, a bad move per usual, I contemplated my tea.
Overall, it was better than most teas I’ve been able to get my grungy little paws on, but not that life altering tea experience I’ve been looking for. While nicely rounded and full bodied as it were, I did forget while actually paying attention to class that it was suppose to be chocolate, not just faint notes when well examined. I added a little skim, and carefully monitored my steeping time, via an awesome tea-timer widget for my mac. Next time I’ll try it with a heavier milk and maybe steep it a bit longer? I ALWAY over steep tea, so now having good tea, I’ve been keeping a better eye on it.
Also, I’m trying the whole re-steeping business and it is not working out to hot. I know you re-steep green primarily, but I’m trying to all I can out of my precious few ounces. Needless to say, my vaguely chai spice water is very unsatisfying but I am to lazy to get more water for kettle and will deal for now. But I do have the whole chai and green sampler for Adagio to test out, but for now filling in the blanks for chem comes first.