Following 20 Tea Drinkers

Garret 187 followers

I began studying tea in 1998 when I was in school for Chinese medicine and ma...

boychik 442 followers

I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D Puaddict flir...

Misty Peak Teas 130 followers

Located in Yiwu Xishuanbanna. Bringing the finest Pu’er Tea to your doorstep…...

TeaExplorer 152 followers

Joined December 2013 Updated February 2016 Latest News: I brought my cupboard...

Jiāng Luo 74 followers

Reputable Companies I have narrowed down to over the years and my personal pu...

TwoDog2 144 followers

Owner of : Blogger of: ...

DigniTea 174 followers

I drink mostly puer and sometimes what we as Westerners think of as black tea...

Lee 152 followers

Tea is Life. I love Tea!

TheTeaFairy 506 followers

I am French Canadian, so please forgive me if my English is not always perfec...



I have been a tea drinker almost all of my life. In 2008 I was able to accompany my wife to a conference she had in Shanghai. At one of the dinners I was introduced to the Nectar of the Gods – Pu’er and I have been hooked ever since.

“The liquid of tea is like the sweetest dew from Heaven”
Lu Yu (733-804), Chinese Sage of Tea


Corinth, TX

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