Followed by 1 Tea Drinker
I first got into loose leaf teas when a friend of mine showed me Cara McGee’s...
I first got into loose leaf teas when a friend of mine showed me Cara McGee’s...
My Norsk father drank black coffee and tea faithfully, religiously, as was the way of his people. He didn’t branch out at all. Because of him they risked my “stunted growth” as was thought in those days, and let me drink tea from early childhood.
With age I am trying to branch out.
Now living the Keto lifestyle I’m trying to enjoy more diverse teas, especially those I can enjoy with no sugar (I used to be a one-cube gal) and little if any milk. (I adore Nutpods, plain variety, unsweetened creamer made from coconut and almond milks, it works without dominating tea) I have a long term love affair with Kusmi, which folk seem to either love or hate. Russian Morning No.24 is my favorite tea, period. I am also apparently one of those odd birds who love Lapsang Souchong. Why do I get the sense very few like such?
My personal theory about Lapsang Souchong is that I grew up with a father who was a serious pipe smoker. I also spent summers around a camp fire. For me the flavor is evocative, especially of the later. Could this be it?
I’m rather A.D.H.D about my tea loves. I love variety and I have favorites that I’ll drink until I am on the verge of dislike, and then that one will be set aside for another season. My life has felt a lot harder for a lot of reasons since our move from San Francisco and I rather hang onto my tea ritual for dear life. It truly is a restorative.
I have DSPS which is a circadian rhythm disturbance and so I have to be rigorous about not having caffeine after 2-3 pm (sleep hygiene, aargh!) As such I’m always on a search for a pleasant enough herbal-decaf.
This past year I’ve become much more disciplined about not giving up on a tea after the first or second taste, and by making notes in my planner, I’ve been pleased to find that typically within 3 days max, I can find a said tea brewed just right for me.
Harrodsburg KY