ANOTHER SAMPLE FROM STARFISHEY THANK YOU!! Wow I actually liked this more than I thought IDK WHY PEOPLE HATE IT SO MUCH EITHER whateva!! I was a little scared because I’m honestly not a fan of overly-fruity teas I LOVE FRUIT and fruit accents but I dunno when teas get too purely fruity it’s just kinda a turn off I guess I’d just rather drink juice, really.
BUT ANYWAY this tea is actually REALLY PECULIAR? I smelled it and kinda had a hard time figuring out what I was smelling other than kinda flowery and fruity… and then I tasted it and I really have no idea what I just tasted. The hibiscus was pretty strong I definitely got that but then there were just all these RANDOM FRUITY FLAVORS in the background and they were all really mild and I LIKED THAT. For me it wasn’t overpowering or tart at all, it was really light and unique!