176 Tasting Notes
Most definitely my favorite bagged oolong; actually this tea is at the top of my list in general HAHA! I think it’s been summed up well by others: Solid and classic, incredibly forgiving, malty, smokey and smooth. In all honesty it’s a really basic tea but wow I could drink it forever. —MAN I’m running low on it and need to get more!
UNFFF SO DERICIOUS! I love green tea as it is, and the nutty flavor added by the brown rice is super yummy! It’s even a little sweet in some ways, probably thanks to the matcha powder. All in all just another really unique tea in my mind, and super addicting!
This somewhat reminded me of the Wild Raspberry Hibiscus, but not as strong or tangy; it tasted a bit more like… kool-aid? Now I don’t even really like kool-aid, but for whatever reason I actually enjoy this tea quite a lot!? Definitely fruity, though I have no idea what goji berries taste like (apparently like kool-aid), and I definitely don’t taste the green or matcha, but despite all this still a pleasantly tasty tea!
—HAHA I just now scrolled down to see the other comments and I’m glad I’m not the only one that got KOOL-AID from this tea. I think we are a handful of 80s-90s kids.