drank Sencha Shot by Ito En
20 tasting notes

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but I loved these. Very strong, but not like oversteeped sencha, it was more like a super-concentrated taste. Some astringency, but not really too bitter. Definite strong vegetal flavor typical of sencha.

I really like these as a quick pick-me-up on warm afternoons or mornings (I lived in Florida for a while where it is too hot out for hot tea by 7am). It is nice to just pound a cold shot really fast, much better than an acidic and sweet energy drink. It’s not world-class tea but what do you expect out of a tiny can?

I found these at Big Lots for $.50/can and I wish I had bought out their entire supply while they were still available.

Iced 0 min, 15 sec

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Bellingham, WA