4 Tasting Notes

drank Gyokuro Imperial by Teavana
4 tasting notes

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Wow! I think Teavana has a new favorite. This white tea is absolutely not only super yummy, but visually appealing as well as, well, borderline drooling. This is white tea, so therefore a lil bit more tea leaves need to be used since they are rolled up. Please use the perfectea spoon to get all the fruit goodness. The watermelon is extremely very much like watermelon, and the mint leaves a good after taste. I recommend this tea either as an ‘after-a-long-day-at-work’ tea, or nighttime. Ideal for summer. I have not tried this as iced, yet.

Bear in mind that if you use less spoonfuls that normal, you won’t get as much of a watermelon flavor than the spearmint… I have been told by people that this tea tastes like gum, but I think that’s because they didn’t really either A) steep it correctly, or B) they’re not a fan of mint. Kind of pricier than most, but still very yummy. I most certainly recommend this if you decide to splurge! =^-^=


175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This is nothing like the Yunnan Golden, but it’s still very much a pu-erh! The strawberry goodness is really enchanting, and the smooth vanilla finish is absolutely tantalizing. Now, pu-erh is extremely earthy, but the strawberry gives it a nice but not so harsh fruity taste. At first I thought I would be overwhelmed by the flavor, but not so much after I tasted it for the first time. The strawberry flavor becomes softer and softer more and more each time I re-infuse it. Also, the vanilla flavor is very subtle, I want more. Not my favorite pu-erh, though.

Now keep in mind y’all this tea is AWESOME as far as speeding up your metabolism goes! The Chinese used pu-erh teas as an aid for weight loss for maaaany, many, many, years. Bear in mind though this isn’t supposed to replace a meal, though. Be cautious, of course. But anyway this tea is IDEAL for after meals. I would recommend this pu-erh if the Yunnan Gold pu-erh is too earthy for you…
(increase the steep time by 15 seconds each time you re-steep it, until you’re up to 3:00 for the last infusion).

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Sakura Allure by Teavana
4 tasting notes


There are REAL FULL cherries now! They took the bamboo out, but alas. This is very wonderful. I don’t have to use extra tea leaves either. At first when I tried this last summer I absolutely was frustrated, but now it is SO yummy! It’s what I always wanted in a cherry tea: REAL, FULL cherries. it is so delicious, you guys. I absolutely re-recommend it at least one more time if you have tried it before and wasn’t crazy about it. Definitely kicks my cherry coke habit! (this is my first tea note by the way =^-^=)

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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