Following 7 Tea Drinkers

Haveteawilltravel 273 followers

Young and experienced Tea consumer. I’m continuously learning and developing ...

Niraj Lama 26 followers

Hello! I am Niraj Lama from Darjeeling hills but now transplanted in upstate ...

Liquid Proust 642 followers

Tea Enthusiast / Tea Drunk . . To...

boychik 442 followers

I’ve stopped rating teas long time ago. Couldn’t be happier ;D Puaddict flir...

sherubtse 42 followers

I’m a mental health worker, whose hobbies are Tea, Theravada, Toronto, and Ta...

mrmopar 777 followers

Rasseru 273 followers

Artist, electronic musician, photographer, asian food, vinyasa yoga, chemistr...



Rochester, NY

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