Initial impressions- Smelling it from afar I get a primarily minty scent; up close the chocolate and mint mingle exceptionally well. Looking in I see the black tea, along with some green leaves (peppermint), chocolate pieces, pink peppercorns, and little red candy lips. Very pretty tea!
How I brew it- In 94 degree water (I’m at work and it’s as hot as the machine will go) for nine minutes (I usually do seven, but I got distracted!). No sweetener.
I am trying to record all of my teas, so I have to admit this one has been a staple for a while. It’s also absolutely fabulous with a bit of agave and steamed milk.
First sips- A refreshing pick-me-up after lunch. The peppermint hits my palette first, followed my mingling chocolate flavours. The black tea flavour is there, but not really noticeable. This is one of my all time favourite teas.
205 °F / 96 °C
7 min, 0 sec