Un Amour des Thés Centropolis Laval Edit

3 ratings
1 2 3 4 5
Type Tea Shop
Style Modern
Serves Chai, Loose-leaf
Features Free wi-fi, Tastings

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3 Reviews

Kay Kanada rated this place
and said Edit

This is the tea shop I frequented before DT came to town.

They have wonderful high quality teas, but if you don’t know much about types of teas, regions, estates… this place can be intimidating. And unfortunately, the staff does not make it easier.

Also, if you are looking for tisanes, there is a very slim choice. The employee didn’t even know that mint teas can be helpful for digestive issues! And there are no flavored teas. And their organic teas are hidden in an awful binder, instead of being prominently displayed. “Hey, look, we have organic teas!”

In spite of all this, every tea I took away from that place was of very good quality. But I’d rather pay less and get quality service and all my infusion needs in one place. Sorry Un amour des thés!

EDIT: I neglected to mention one other infuriating aspect of this shope (which they might have changed since I last went in…) You are not allowed to buy quantities smaller than 50g!

Julied rated this place
and said Edit

La boutique offre une impressionnante sélection de thés de qualité! Au dessus de 200….il y en a donc pour tous les goûts! Le service est très chaleureux et surtout sans prétention. On s’y sent toujours bien acceuilli, que l’on soit amateur ou débutant. À visiter…vous l’adopterez!

Mathieu Trépanier rated this place
and said Edit

Un merveilleux magasin! C’est vraiment une bonne place pour trouver les meilleurs thés disponibles. À visiter absolument!!