3 Tasting Notes


A refreshing mint tea, with hints of spearmint. I find it interesting that this is called “Southern Mint” since in the south they add sweetener to mint teas and I don’t think this one would be as good with sweetener mixed in.

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The taste is quite light, similar to oolong. I loved buying bottles of this in Japan, so having the tea bag option is great. You can use 1 large tea bag for an entire pot of tea, and reuse it 2 or 3 times (just let it steep longer). It is important to take the bag out of the tea once finished steeping as it can get very strong.

You can also make iced tea by adding a bag to cold water & steeping for 1-2 hours. It is very refreshing when cold!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Sobacha by Ito En
3 tasting notes

The first time I even had Soba tea, I had been in Japan for only a few days so far, and was sitting in a small parlor at a government center in Japan, and was served this as I waited. It tasted like cheerios in a cup, and is so delicious. It took me a long time to find out the english translation – buckwheat tea.
I highly recommend trying it – you may find it at a Japanese or Korean grocer.
Each teabag is designed for 1 pot of tea; 200cc of water for 2 small cups of tea. Let it cool a bit after poring/removing tea bag. Served hot or chilled with no sweetner or milk.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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