Absolute heaven. I disliked earl grey for years based on an unsavory experience I had as a child. However, this tea is what made me open my mind to earl grey again! When I worked at Teavana, I used to just open up the tin and allow the aroma to melt my stress away. Brews a rich reddish-brown liquor; top notes of bergamot which lead right into smooth, earthy black tea; the vanilla and marigold petals give it a sweet, creamy finish! Love this one in the morning, and I usually manage to get at least two steeps out of it. I have a feeling Teavana will eventually switch the recipe to one with all-natural flavoring, to get their more picky customers to stop whining (they always say they’re never buying it again, and they’re back in a week). Either way it’s delicious.
Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Creamy, Earth, Honey, Vanilla