This is my favorite tea so I gave it a 100~ haven’t had a better tea so far.

It has a smooth, and slightly creamy flavor. The Orange and Vanilla blend well to make a refreshing tea without the caffeine. This is the tea that got me interested in Rooibos as a caffeine free alternative to Black Tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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lasher6669 10 years ago

Ronnefeldt Cream orange has become my favorite too, I was able to get some in the US via Gastronautgroup.com you can order individual boxes.

Mr. Tea 10 years ago

Yes, fortunately, they have an outlet in the US now. I am still using the case of Tea Caddy and boxes of Leafcup I bought overseas. It’ll be much easier to order from the US website from now on =)

Ronnefeldt® USA 10 years ago

Thank you Lasher and Mr. Tea for the review and referral link. Note that our Cream Orange Rooibos is also available without having to purchase an entire case at our consumer/private client website www.ronnefeldtteausa.com. Hope this helps you affordably try more of our teas. Have a great day and remember, we are always at your service.

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lasher6669 10 years ago

Ronnefeldt Cream orange has become my favorite too, I was able to get some in the US via Gastronautgroup.com you can order individual boxes.

Mr. Tea 10 years ago

Yes, fortunately, they have an outlet in the US now. I am still using the case of Tea Caddy and boxes of Leafcup I bought overseas. It’ll be much easier to order from the US website from now on =)

Ronnefeldt® USA 10 years ago

Thank you Lasher and Mr. Tea for the review and referral link. Note that our Cream Orange Rooibos is also available without having to purchase an entire case at our consumer/private client website www.ronnefeldtteausa.com. Hope this helps you affordably try more of our teas. Have a great day and remember, we are always at your service.

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I don’t have a sensitive palate but I do tend to shy away from harsh and bitter flavors. For instance, I can’t stand raw celery and olives – the smell/taste is way too intense. I find coffee to be too muddy/earthy, tea is light and crisp.

I find plain, black tea to be either too bitter or a bit too bland – unless I’m adding cream and sugar. I love flavored black teas; flavored rooibos is great as an evening drink; and light, grassy green teas are wonderful. Oolong and Pu-erh teas are good too but haven’t had as much exposure to them. White teas I’m still on the fence – one day I hope I’ll find one that I’ll like. I don’t like the spiced teas (e.g. chai)

My Grading Scale:
80-100 – Excellent Teas. These are the Teas I crave all the time, even when trying out new teas.

60-79 – Good Teas. I drink these occasionally.

50-59 – Passing Grade. These are worth a try again

Below 50 – Would not recommend, and probably will never try again
