Sleigh Ride was one of the teas included with the 2013 DavidsTea advent calendar. Like a lot of herbal blends, it contains hibiscus blossoms, which have a tendency to overpower all other flavors. Unfortunately, the hibiscus flavor is definitely the dominant note in Sleigh Ride, which ruined the blend for me with its tartness.
It also has all kinds of tasty ingredients like apple, cinnamon, popped rice, and candied papaya/pineapple, but these were hard to taste with the hibiscus. While I’ll drink the rest of my small sample, I’m not sure this is a blend I will purchase again. I think it could have had a very unique taste without the hibiscus, but with it, it’s just mediocre and similar to so many other herbal blends on the market.
5 min, 30 sec