I picked up a tin of this tea with my most recent Harney order. Very enjoyable and very interesting!
The tea steeps a medium brown. The scent and the flavor are hard to characterize, and very different from a typical black tea. I think the closest comparison is Teavana’s Golden Dragon yellow tea. A nice, full mouthfeel. “Buttery” is the best way I can describe it. Very smooth. A great tea for sipping and savoring.
The Harney & Sons site says it has a “predominant” honey aroma and “honey flavors”, but I disagree. Not very sweet, but I suppose you could argue that there is a floral note in there. Definitely more buttery. (Ironically, their description of Top Chingwo Congou is “buttery”, while I thought it was chock full of honey flavor. Go figure.)
A great tea for a cool fall afternoon. I don’t recommend it as a breakfast tea; it’s not strong enough, in my opinion. (Plus, I like to start my day with some sweetness!) If it’s on sale again, I would buy it again.