Following 68 Tea Drinkers

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The first time I tried loose leaf tea at home, I was hooked. I’ve been drinking tea for years now, though I still feel like such a newbie in the world of teas. There are so many things I’ve never tried from so many new to me companies!

I used to be very much a black tea drinker, but have started, in the last year, to realize that I prefer the lightness of greens and whites much more.

That said, I will basically try any tea once (probably twice, just in case)!

My review categories:
100-94: I never want to run out of these!
93-80: Restock please!
79-60: Definitely like, but not a must have
59-50: Not lovin’ it, but I’d drink it again
49 & below: nope, Nope, NOPE.

Most Wanted Teas:
DAVIDsTEA – Pistachio Cream

Youtube Channel:
Twitter: @lolainred


Chattanooga, TN


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