There is no tea like this one for the price. It’s extraordinary. You can tell by the vivid, uniform greenness of the steeped leaves that this is a quality tea. I have tried many many senchas from Harney, Upton Tea, O-Cha, and Hibiki-an, and none of them offer one with as much character as Matsuda’s. There is something impeccably pastoral and authentic about this tea. However, like with all high quality senchas, it can quickly turn bitter. I recommend either 160 degrees for a little less than two minutes for a mellow grassy flavor, or 170 for a little more than one minute for a nuttier, roastier, deeper flavor.
Flavors: Fishy, Grass, Lemon, Nutty, Seaweed, Spinach
175 °F / 79 °C
0 min, 45 sec
1 tsp
7 OZ / 207 ML