6 Tasting Notes

drank Iced tea brew by Fresh & Easy
6 tasting notes

Awesome. I brew this tea with a single “family sized” tea bag. Much more convenient than 8 lipton teabags hanging out. After cooling for an hour or so, I pour the tea into a pitcher and into the fridge. I don’t dilute it. The concentrated tea works well with ice and some simple syrup. Economical (totally cheap). Once I get my hands on a better pitcher, I will try a cold brew in the fridge…

Boiling 8 min or more

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I like this tea. Economical in price. The flavor is very subtle however. Definite peach flavor… the ginger is there—but not like grated ginger root tea—more like a weak earl grey tea except with ginger and peach and not bergamot. Don’t try adding an extra bag to your cup to strengthen the cup, it doesn’t work ;)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Hmm… I’m drinking this tea as I type this, and I’m wondering how to express my sentiments.

The aroma is very odd… When I opened the tin (which I like a lot, by the way) the smell was strangely perfumed. I was skeptical, thinking that maybe the Coffee Bean added artificial flavors to it. Sure enough, upon closer inspection, “natural and artificial flavors” right on the label. DAMN!

Oh well. I am drinking the tea, but I prefer a more organic tea. I bet this would tast much better over ice. I will report that tasting when I get my hands on some cubes.

Anyhow, super-fruity. No need for sugar, because cups from this brew are full of orangey-currant-yness. A lovely, red color, too. I’m holding onto this tea because I paid $8.95 for 170g for it (which is reasonable for a tea like this).

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Passion by Tazo
6 tasting notes

I like a full pot of Passion tea with agave nectar or sugar. It’s quite good. I’ve also had the tea w/o sweetener (since Passion already has licorice root). I enjoy this tea… not as much a just plain hibiscus, but I like the added herbals to it. Tazo apparently makes a Mambo tea that is similar to Passion, but instead of bags, Mambo comes in a loose leaf.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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The cleanest cup of tea (in my opinion). According to Red Blossom, you should pour some hot water over the leaves to “wash” them and throw away the liquid. I usually just brew an initial cup at 180 degrees (which is a light, but definitely nice cup) and then keep brewing subsequent cups using a basket or strainer (as well as adding a bit more leaves).

Sometimes while I’m working, I’ll forget about the brewing cup, and this tea holds up well past the recommended 2 mins to 4-5 mins even longer. I’ve had cups that brewed at 10 minutes and the result is a rich golden, but still very clean and tasty cup.

I like Silver Needle Reserve as my primary tea, and prefer it over green tea. It’s too bad the price for it has tripled in price (it’s been a bad year for food crops) but the leaves go a long way. I have yet to try the regular Silver Needle…

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Exceptional… I haven’t had anything like it. I come back to samovar for it.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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