Green tea taste is optimised when a finger of cold water is in the teacup, before boiling water and teabag is added to the cup. Green is a delicate beast and doesn’t like scalding.

Loose leaf tea is generally a winner for me over the teabag format, but in the morning or in the office when time is short, a teabag is the portable and tidy winner. Hence the quest to find the best teabag continues with this Nature’s Cuppa (don’t forget the apostrophe) Organic Green Tea.

Now perhaps Organic is too tag-liney for you, but what it generally means to me is a product which is not hot-housed and potentially cleaner. The teabag in this case is unbleached, slightly sand coloured, and the tea inside a well-measured teaspoonful.

About 2-3 minutes of steepster time, and removal of teabag before the bitterness kicks in, is recommended here. Notice the pleasant, rather green colour of the tea. It’s greener than most, more of a japanese green colour. But the Pantone site is too difficult to navigate to go further.

Fair Trade tea tastes good, so they score for that. Sri Lanka is the plantation’s location. It’s an Australian owned and produced tea, and in line with their Organic Black and Organic Earl Grey (the latter of which is in this database) are one of the highest quality off-the-shelf teas in Australia. I do not know how much further afield this is available, but you can order from the website as long as you’re willing to get at least 300 teabags!

Overall this is the best supermarket standard green I have tried, better than Twinings for my money. Definitely satisfying.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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