I had both this and a cup of coffee (with some Fry’s cocoa mixed in, because why not?) so needless to say, I’m in a coffee/cocoa mood. The scent of the dry leaf is pleasantly creamy and coffee-ish, much like an iced coffee or cappuccino. Let’s do this!
It’s a little disappointing, to be honest. The coffee flavour is mild but hats off to TeaTaxi for not offering something that is overly sweet. Despite the brittle pieces, this managed to stay sweet at a sane level. The most profound observation about this tea, however, is the phantom orange note that I get in this. You know how so many Christmas blends have that quintessential, similar orange spice combination? This had a pinch of that in there, underneath the coffee note. What’s that all about?
Let me tell you what I think it’s about. Apparently, this has added citric acid. Bingo! It just has to be that and not the dehydrated yogurt bits. No yogurt tang but that citrus surely sneaks up on you.
Would I get more? Nah. But I’m glad I tried it. Bayswater’s Chocolate Macchiato remains my favourite coffee blend.