I just got finished reading “All the Tea in China” and this tea is mentioned prominently in the book. There are many legends about this tea, but Robert Fortune had some on his original trip through the region. I knew that this was supposed to be one of the great teas of the world, but I was really very unprepared for what I got.
Not much aroma in the dry leaf but what flavor! Nuts, honeysuckle and …butter?! Just fantastic! Repeated steepings were a delight as well as I increased the steeping time and temperature slightly.
Tea from the three original bushes costs many thousands of dollars per ounce but with the miracle of clones even ordinary people like you and me can afford to taste this and at just over 10 dollars per 60gm, its a bargain. Sipping this gem reminds one that the drinking of tea is part of a 4000 year experiment in human civilization- it is something to treasure.
This one is pretty good too: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3872.A_History_of_the_World_in_6_Glasses
Is that the book about Robert Fortune? I loved that book.
Yes, that is the one! Very informative!
This one is pretty good too: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3872.A_History_of_the_World_in_6_Glasses
Great suggestion- I will see if I can pick it up at my library!