Another very good quality Oolong from China Cha Dao. Nice aroma, slight scent of roasted apples and wood fire. A very mild sweetness to the flavor, and a wonderful feel in the mouth. Beautiful amber color, and you can see nice unfurling of the medium sized leaves.
I fist brewed a sample western style, with about 1 heaping teaspoon for 7 ounces of near boiling water. It lasted for several infusions and really got me hooked. This afternoon I tried brewing gong fu style in a small 150 ml zisha yixing, and the results were equally pleasing.
A very interesting journey in tasting this tea. It is one that I have enjoyed very much and look forward to drinking again.
did a bunch of people get on a list from China Cha Dao? seem like over the last 12hrs teas from them have been sampled…curious
Jerry Ma from China Cha Dao had a post in the Discussions area and sent out samples to a bunch of us. It was a very generous selection of his oolong teas. If you follow him, you can maybe get some samples from his next batch. I would be happy to send you part of my samples — especially the top three of his oolongs.
did a bunch of people get on a list from China Cha Dao? seem like over the last 12hrs teas from them have been sampled…curious
Jerry Ma from China Cha Dao had a post in the Discussions area and sent out samples to a bunch of us. It was a very generous selection of his oolong teas. If you follow him, you can maybe get some samples from his next batch. I would be happy to send you part of my samples — especially the top three of his oolongs.