pu-erh of the day. Sheng or Shou

7981 Replies
TnDave said 7 years ago

Breakthrough 2015 Bulang ealier today and Crimson Lotus Black Gold while watching college football this evening.

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MrQuackers said 7 years ago

Someone post the Chinese characters for puehr tea please.

a bad pasty said 7 years ago

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JC said 7 years ago

this was over the weekend 2016 Yunnan Sourcing “Ba Wai Village” Raw. When dry it has a nice mellow bitterness that hints that it will be stronger in the liquor and a nice thick note. When wet it has more bitter and green notes with grains and overall strong character. I think the steeps start mellow and immediately develop some stronger character and thickness, it feels strong but never really kicks you. Then in the mid and later steeps it settles and keeps mostly a thick and bittersweet brew that is gentle but lingering.

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TnDave said 7 years ago

Another session with Crimson Lotus Black Gold. This is a good ripe puerh.

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a bad pasty said 7 years ago

“1998 Stored in Malaysia” from Pubertea 2.0:

A solid tea, with nice storage, but not terribly exciting. Good longevity, but I didn’t feel like coaxing out some longer later steeps it could have given. At least, those were my morning thoughts right after consumption. Now I’m wondering if it had any sneaker qi – hard to say.

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Rasseru said 7 years ago

So many recently. This is the weekend when I was in singapore

2017 Jingmai – smooth & floral, nice, didnt wow me.

Bulang balls 2009 – caramel, got some

Bulang 2012 – apricots, got some.

Aged Yiwu 2005 – too much storage

7536 2006, Liked this one, its very subtle & I wish it were stronger but when it works its really good. And so cheap so no brainer.

2017 Lincang giant wild tree. Loved this, its got a great wild taste, and stays pretty consistent throughout a good amount of steeps. Got some.

2 x aged menghais, cant remember what they were like.

Limming tea factory aged, middle of the road aged taste but dirt cheap. I forgot to buy more.

Yellow label 2017 Wiwu – I liked this one but only got a sample to try in the uk. its nice. 50c/g.

Red label 2017 yiwu – I have some sample of this, tried it a few times. Its great, but ouch on the price. over $2/g

2017 Lao Ban Zhang. Again it was great, me and a tea vendor were discussing the differences between the red label yiwu & the LBZ for ages. It was very good, not too aggressive. Pricey again though.

I drank so much tea I cant remember what else!

Yang-chu said 7 years ago

Sounds ridiculously awesome. Nice to hear someone complain of something being “too aged.”

Yang-chu said 7 years ago

“7536 2006, Liked this one, its very subtle & I wish it were stronger but when it works its really good. And so cheap so no brainer.”— is that Fuhai 7536?

Rasseru said 7 years ago

Yes, it’s fuhai 7536. Nice clean storage.

I bought some of these teas for other people here so you might see more reviews

Yang-chu said 7 years ago

I have the ’07. Malaysia stored?

Rasseru said 7 years ago

yeah I think its stored in singapore for a long time. Really clean. I had others with strong storage but this one didnt

Yang-chu said 7 years ago

If you get around to it, I’d like to gander at what the liquor looks like.

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a bad pasty said 7 years ago

1980’s Guang Yong (sp?) loose from Finepuer.

I’d forgetten about this sample. It may have been one of the free samples offered from Finepuer, and not anything that was ever made available for purchase. Other than a little storage in the first steep or so, this was nice, with decent longevity for a loose. Had one of those light, but persistent huigans, which I find quite enjoyable.

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Simon Sim said 7 years ago

YS 2016 Han Gu Di. My favourite sheng so far. Pineapple sweet, bitterness.

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JC said 7 years ago

2017 Farmer Direct Tea (FDT). This is a very good tea, it’s very young yet it has a richness that makes it easy to drink now, I don’t get that almost acidic sensation in my stomach I get from some of Paul’s teas in here. Not the most complex tea out there but it is a treat to drink.

On another subject. Is anyone getting really spammy texts from tea vivre? I swear I’ve unsubscribed like 4-5 times and they keep changing something and spamming. ugh.

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a bad pasty said 7 years ago

Zhongcha 2014 Bulang Peacock.

Decent tea. Some thickness, some bitterness, even a touch of qi. Stimulating on the stomach, but not uncomfortable.

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