Doulton said

Tea giveaway celebration of April 23rd-ness

I recently received two sample packages—first from Cait and then from Ricky. It was utterly wonderful. It was simply enchanting to open a package and not know what surprises lay within. I enjoy sending out samples too—almost as much as receiving them. So I propose a little random contest. I will send out three samples on April 23 or a day or so later in honor of an enchanting date of the year.

Please sign up below if you’d like to enter the drawing, which will be random using But you must say if you’d like to compete for the Shakespeare Sample, the Nabokov Sample, or the Shirley Temple Sample. Why them? They all have April 23rd birthdays.
The Shakespeare sample will be a bit magisterial and wide-ranging, full of all kinds of different types of tea. The Nabokov sample will be a bit pyrotechnic with some big flavors. The Shirley Temple sampler will be decaff teas, sweet teas, a bit of rooibos—a bit like a Shirley Temple cocktail.
You have no obligation whatsoever. Just sign up and indicate which drawing you prefer to be in. The sign-ups will close sometime in the middle of the day of April 23rd. Please sign up for only one of the drawings.

I don’t mind shipping outside of the USA for this one.

87 Replies
Ricky said

I’ll send a package too. Mine’s the whatever floats your boat package =]

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Lori said

OK- I will sign up for the Nabokov package- perfect match of tea and author/celebrity! What fun! Who would have thought that Nabokov, Shakespeare, and Shirley Temple shared the same birthday….

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Lori said

And I will join Ricky and Doulton and volunteer to send a package.

One suggestion: when Doulton does her “lottery pick”, I can send a package to the “runner-up”…

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wombatgirl said

Can I sign up for the Shakespeare?

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SoccerMom said

I would like to sign up for Shakespeare too?

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I’d like to sign up for the Shirley Temple please

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Erin said

Count me in for the Nabokov sample, please!

What a nifty idea!

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Jillian said

Cool, sign me up for the Shakespeare please! :)

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Angrboda said

Nabokov, definitely :D
(Standard disclaimer about shipping it off to Europe if you win. I won’t pout if you don’t want to do that)

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gmathis said

Shirley Temple it is. Thank you for making this so much fun!

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