Networld said

Survey on tea drinking habits/practices

Hey All,

I’m running a survey to try to generate some data about tea drinkers habits. Would you mind taking a second and filling it out? All the info is anonymous, and it will really help me out with my research! Should only take 2 mins tops!



18 Replies

Hello Networld,
I can not open the link. but I can still help you to conduct the survey, if you send the questions to our email.
I will be happy to help you anyway.

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TeaParT said

Link from last page of survey:

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Networld said

I think the survey works now- try again!

LENA said

It worked just fine for me. I’d love to be involved in this.

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Erin said

What a nifty survey!

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Neato survey~ It asked me to be a beta tester though and I was a little unsure about giving away my email :\

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wombatgirl said

Whatever happened with the beta testing for this?

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Networld said

Hey- not to worry- Sam, our developer is still working really hard on the application. We don’t’ want to release it until we are happy with it!

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nasieo1 said

Survey complete

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