52Teas said

New Teas *UPDATE* - Cherry Almond Cola Black Tea!

Hello, everyone!

I’m still working to get caught up & I am seeing some progress! Hooray for progress! :) Here are some of the latest teas added to the website!

Cherry Almond Cola Black Tea – A blend of black teas (Assam & Yunnan with a touch of Keemun) combined with cherries, almond essence (don’t worry, it’s nut free!) & cola essence! This tea is unique & tasty!


The Green Pear Tea – This is my rendition of a LiberTEAS blend I used to craft called “La Vert Pear” & it’s about as close to that blend as I can possibly get! Delicious, juicy pear flavor in every sip – with a velvety smooth green tea. So good!


Thank You for all your support! You guys are the best!

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