Shae said

Whispering Pines needs HELP

Sharing this email here in case some haven’t seen it and might want to help.

Possibly The End of the Line

Good day, beautiful beings!

Here’s the unfiltered vibe from WP headquarters:

There’s not much I can really say…
I have tried my best for over 10 years now,
but it’s simply not working.

This is the important part of this email,
because Whispering Pines can be saved,
but I have nothing to give in exchange for help.
Without some sort of supplemental financial backing,
Whispering Pines will be closing.

There are ways you can help, they are listed at the bottom of the email.

There’s no suffering in this decision for me, as the struggle has been in trying to make something work that simply doesn’t. I went through drastic perspective changes over the last few years. This is still echoing through the financial situation and there doesn’t seem to be an end to it. I have no dollars and no pride left to continue pushing the stressful situation anymore. I’ve got a little bit of inventory remaining. This will continue to be available to those that wish to purchase and help mediate the transition to some other line of work.

As you all have been the saving grace of my existence for the past 10 years, it feels right to share exactly why I’m needing to make some sort of adjustment.

This is how the physical/emotional body stand at the moment:

The stress of always being on the edge of poverty hurts in ways I can’t describe.
I truly feel that I have been doing my best. I am living in paradise yet it always feels like the next month will leave me stranded. My heart is not made for this weight and it radiates through the entirety of the body. I have experienced deep depression for the entirety of my life. I am totally done with that weight and am cutting all threads which allow it to be perpetuated. Unfortunately trying to stay in business has become the main source of this weight.

I have about 5 pounds of tea for sale. I am constantly behind on all payments.
My vehicle is about to break down without some potentially extensive work.
There is nothing for me to fall back on, and even the structure of life as I know it is foundationless and could crumble at any moment. I need to prioritize health but can barely afford to eat. If the house of cards fell over, I would feel great relief.

It’s not the lack that is stressful, but fighting against the lack.

The business has expenses that recur monthly. At the moment, WP does not make enough money to cover these operating costs without a constant dwindling of inventory, leading into a time-sensitive loop that looks like:

lack > asking for help > getting almost back on track > expenses > lack

There’s ways out of this loop, but starting over in a different field feels less stressful.

It took a very long time of caring for the business to get it to a certain point. I took focus off of it too many times and now I don’t feel capable of rebuilding inventory.

I’ve begun searching for temporary work.

In the meantime, I’m still open to getting the business back on track, but I really can’t do it without some help. Honestly I don’t understand money. The amount I would need to totally rebuild the business is very little, yet I am unaware of how to attain “very little” money. I would have a much easier time in an apocalyptic situation where I could just live off the land. Unfortunately I have to pay to live on land, so I’m a bit confused with the whole societal structure based on that. My next step would be either a simple job at a retail store or continuing the journey at a monastery.

Open orders will obviously still be shipped out,
and the door to continue “business as usual”
is remaining wide open as well.


PayPal donations can be made to

Anyone that has passion for the project can make a crowdsourcing page for me…I don’t have it in me to ask in this way, but will humbly receive should the spirit of creation guide one to do this.

So much love for you,

4 Replies

sorry to hear that. I’m not checking Steepster so often these days, but just scanned through here and caught this, and wrote a longer response through an Instagram PM. I won’t be able to resolve any of this through a payment, and am not really on the page of starting gofundmes either, but writing about this issue might be interesting (in a blog I write, tea in the ancient world), and more people might see that than this. it has never been a secret that it’s hard to make a tea business work but Whispering Pines is pretty high profile as smaller outlets go, and it’s sad to hear that it’s not really working out.

LuckyMe said

Even being a high profile shop in the tea world can be a challenge. This is already a very niche industry crowded with many players.

Unless you’re doing business on the scale of say, Adagio or Yunnan Sourcing, it’s hard for an online tea shop to thrive.

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Leafhopper said

I’m also very sad to hear this. Whispering Pines has been on my list of companies to buy from for a while.

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Teasenz said

It’s a pity, looking through your tea catalog, I definitely see you guys stand for quality tea. Send us an email, and let’s talk!

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