2020: How much DID you spend on tea this year!?

83 Replies
Neology said

I’ve been into the hobby for a few years now, but never tracked my spending. I might regret doing so by the end of the year. >_>

January | $252.55

white2tea club subscription: $29.99
Adagio: $100.80
Davidstea: $65.96
T2: $55.80

Well, I admit that some of those post-holiday sales got to me! And I wanted to stock up on Tangerine Tuxedo since it seemed like a more reasonably priced alternative to one of my husband’s favorites, Harney & Sons Little Orange.

I’m hesitant to set myself a limit, but ideally, I will not spend more than $1,200 for the year. I’d like to allow myself one big Spring order, some nice puer for my birthday in August, and more puer for black Friday. Every other time I’m tempted to shop, hopefully, I’ll remember the 350+ already taking up my cabinet and bin space.

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lots :D

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Biddolius said

I have the exact same worry. I’ve also been outlaying on gong fu kit (a lot from Mei Leaf in London). Already went £100 on a cake of Calamansi Swooper and $200 from White2Leaf. Still waiting on a delivery from China from Crimson Lotus (Split personality sheng / shou package) that was about $35. I can easily see it going to £1000 over the year. But I’m sure other blokes spend that on vinyl :D

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I finally calculated my 2019 tea spending and it totaled $2,180.21. Oy vey. So far in 2020…$595.61. I’m officially going on a buying ban.

Good luck with that. I have found that when the tea calls, I answer. As it stands, I plan on making an order in the next day from Adagio. You show me a tea I can only buy one day every four years, and I’ll show you my debit card…

Shae said

Now I’m curious – which tea??

I already broke my buying ban because I couldn’t miss it. XD
Shae- It’s Brigadoon Breakfast by Adagio, it only comes out on Leap Years!

Shae said

How cool! Thank you!

I caved and ordered it as well; along with a bunch of Buffy samples…

Oh, there were several Doctor Who samples in my order as well. There were a couple that are actually listed on here that sounded pretty scrumptious. A couple Earl Grey blends (Big Surprise). Can’t wait.

Nattie said

@Roswell Strange – …Buffy samples? Oh, hell(mouth), I’m going to have to place an order!

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Dr Jim said

2017: $1591
2018: $364
2019: Zero
2020 goal: $5.

I have roughly 40 pounds of sheng puerh, 20 pounds of shou (which I hardly ever drink anymore) and about a cubic foot of other assorted teas, most of which are now at least 2 years old. I’m 67 years old so this represents something like 3 lifetimes of tea.

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hawkband1 said

I was over budget last year at $1351.18. I’m going to try to get back to $1000 (including the White2Tea club). $640 in regular purchases. I’m doing pretty well going through my older teas though, but I need to work on drinking my puerh.

June – I’ve been drinking a lot of tea at work and not logging it anywhere. Been making progress on the blacks and oolongs. It feels like I’m out of black tea, but it’s more I’m out of black tea that’s forgiving.

Nov – Low overall so far this year due to pandemic and work stress. But I bought from White2tea (which isn’t # of teas it’s amount of teas) I really gotta work on drinking my puer!! Under budget so far, especially since I missed a few sales earlier last month.

Little Woods $45

Mandala $58
What-cha $53.23
It looks like I’m on my way to spend some this month for a black tea restock.

White2Tea $121
Little Woods $48 (work tea restock)

I successfully avoided all the other black Friday/cyber Monday sales. There’s tea all over my living room! Still not much progress on drinking puer. Current record keeping sucks – I have no idea what I liked from any of the teas I finished this year.

Grand Total

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Sil select said

Past few years have shaped up as follows:
2014: 1320.42 USD 320.18 CAD
2015: 1075.10 USD 206.21 CAD (including paris trip)
2016: 170.69 USD 170.21 CAD
2017: 317.27 USD 268.58 CAD
2018: 179.08 USD; 34.89 CAD
2019: 288.89 USD; 120.33 CAD

Figure i should track just to keep on it….but suspect this year will be fairly low again given the pandemic lol

Amoda – 48.63 CAD
February 0
52 teas – 52.00 USD
April 0
Capital Teas Ltd – 87.75 CAD
Davids tea – 55.67 CAD
June 0
52 teas – 94.75 USD
Tea G. – 71.39 USD
Davids tea – 22.44 CAD
Deb’s Desserts – 18.00 CAD
Tea Runners – 19.50 USD
David’s tea – 54.66 CAD
Yunnan Sourcing – 100.77 CAD
Taiwan Tea Crafts – 119.55 CAD
Deb’s Desserts – 11.00 CAD
Necessiteas – 39.00 USD
David’s tea – 50.28 CAD
Cuppa Geek Advent – 31.00 USD
Capital Tea – 72.80 CAD
Teavivre – 24.61 USD
52 Teas – 55.20 USD
Tealish – 41.80 CAD
December 0

Total: 387.45 USD; 683.35 CAD

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I’m pretty new to tea, but hopefully won’t go overboard on spending as I experiment.

- David’s Tea: 58.55
- Adagio: 31.75
- Amazon: 10.99

- David’s Tea: 33.88

- Adagio: 108.50 (however 58.50 of that were gifts to family and friends)

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Nattie said

£0! Or so I hope… I’m trying to work through my ageing collection after a tea hiatus, and I’m not letting myself buy anything new until I have under 100 teas in my cupboard. With 1 sipdown a day being my goal, I should make it by the end of the year. And then next year a lot of money can be spent on wonderful new teas!! I’m going to set a budget of £50 though, just in case there’s a special occasion I really can’t pass up.

Shae said

Oh goodness, I really need to do this.

Nattie said

Good luck! It got to the point with me that my collection was so overwhelming I rarely drank tea any more because I couldn’t choose! Then everything started getting old. Really counterproductive!

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Bumping for Jann :)

Also, we’re about at the 1/2 way mark for the year – how’s everyone doing?

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