Happy New Year! Your first tea of the new year is/will be?
Nothing like the best to start off the New Year. I made Gyokuro Yame from Lupicia. Even ate the leaves afterwards with a bit of soy sauce. You really get your money’s worth out of these leaves.
i had GMs Sugar Caramel Oolong for my first cup of tea for the new year :)
…haha, you guys are crazy. But just in case anyone cares:
First tea I drank…Englisch Breakfast, Twinings
First tea that I purchased…Prince of Wales, Twinings
First tea that I served to a my wife…Lapsang Souchong, Twinings
Fisrt tea that I had outside, in some restaurant, which is always a bit connected with scepticism, as they usually underportion…Whittard Original, Whittard of Chelsea.
How is this crazy? I think that’s awesome that you remember so well. And major points for 1st tea you served your wife. Everyone say it with me… AWWW!=D
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