Following 7 Tea Drinkers

Jackie O 128 followers

Connecticut I love sweet, decadent, desserty teas the most but I also appreci...

Sil 581 followers

So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinki...

momo 413 followers

I have no standards so I drink everything I can :)

Uniquity 553 followers

I’ve been drinking loose tea since 2010 and my tastes have changed a lot over...

Dinosara 490 followers

I am tea obsessed, with the stash to match. I tend to really enjoy green oolo...

SFTGFOP 47 followers

blah blah blah, come on people, not every tea can be ranked 80+. Rant, rave;...

Jen M 28 followers

I love tea. And I don’t mean like “I like to drink tea in the mornings”. I me...



I am a professional Black women living it up in the heart of DE-Troit Michgian. My interest in tea has been growing out of health reasons and personally love Honeybush and Chamomile.

I am new to the tea scene, recommendations welcome.


Detroit MI

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