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I steeped 9 grams of this tea in a 4 oz. gaiwan. The tea was stronger and more flavorful than when I tried steeping 4 grams, but it’s still too astringent for me and I still don’t like the flavor much. This one isn’t my cup of tea.

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This time I steeped about 6 grams in a 4 oz. gaiwan. I did a 10 second rinse and about 20 seconds for each steeping.

The flavor had more smoke and less grass in than I remember. This is still my least favorite pu erh I’ve tried so far.

205 °F / 96 °C

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I found this tea boring. The little flavor it has just reminds me of grass. I used 4 grams for a 4 oz. gaiwan. I may try using more tea next time.

White 2 Tea Co.

I would recommend you try more, for a 4 oz. gaiwan (~ 120ml?) I would recommend you use between 7-10 grams. Sorry you didn’t like it the first time out!


Thank you for the recommendation. I will give this another try today and rate again with my results. The 2003 Fu Hai 7576 is my favorite so far. It’s excellent.

White 2 Tea Co.

No worries, maybe the Longma Tongqing is just not your cup. Everybody has different tastes – otherwise we would all eat nothing but Cool Ranch Doritos and the world would be a boring place.

The Fu Hai 7576 is quite good and used to be a total bargain. There was recently a release of some fakes into the market, which is usually a good (and bad) sign. If somebody is willing to make the effort to fake a tea, it is usually worthwhile. Unfortunately, the price has been climbing recently due to demand.

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drank 2003 Fu Hai 7576 by white2tea
57 tasting notes

This tea is very smooth and has a very rich flavor. I wish the flavor was a little stronger. I think this would be a very good introductory pu erh.

I used about 3 grams for a 3 oz. brew. I may try using about 6 grams next time.

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