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Sipdown (624)!

First pot of tea from the day; a bigger Western style one. This one was passed to me by VariaTEA – and it smells really lovely. Very strong and malty/sweet. I was excited at the idea of having it as a strong morning cup of tea/‘breakfast tea’ sort of replacement.

It’s a fair bit astringent, but underneath all of that initial distracting dryness is a really nice typical Assam profile – sweet and malty, with honey and freshly baked bread notes. I also think it’s a little bit raisin-y in its undertones. After my first teacup worth I decided to stir in a couple lumps of rock sugar to help with the strong astringency and hints of bitterness. They did, a bit. Also seemed to really accentuate the raisin notes.

As this one cooled down it got considerably more bitter. Milk probably would have been a good addition to this one, also. Especially as a ‘breakfast tea’ like I was sorta thinking.

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
6444 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for sharing this…I don’t even know how long ago. It was my breakfast tea along with some homemade cornbread I got from a friend. Simple but delicious!

The tea is a bit astringent at the end of the sip but mostly that plays off the stonefruit note I am getting throughout the rest of the sip. It is plain and a touch one dimensional for my tastes but ultimately pleasant enough and nicely compliments the corn bread. Not my favorite tea but I am still grateful for the chance to try it :)

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YUM!!! Malty with tobacco and hay notes, and a bit of something fresh tasting I can’t put my finger on. Minerals? Either way, I’m a fan. Noms. Thank you for the sample Tea Historic!

edit Oops didn’t realize I should have added the bits/smaller balls. Will try a resteep…

Second edit: So I’m not really a jasmine fan, though it seems that black tea blends are an exception to that rule. Cuz I love it! Weird, I really don’t enjoy black tea flavoured with jasmine, only the blends with jasmine green and black tea. Rating bump. Also, it had a mouth drying effect once the tea cooled, which was kinda odd, but not in a bad way. I kinda like that part :P

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Sil was super nice and shared a bit of this tea with me (thank you!) and it was really delicious. Smooth and bready, with a lot of malt. Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/09/22/tea-historic-signature-blend-from-tea-historic/

Evol Ving Ness

I really really enjoyed this one as well. Tea-Historic, please come back—we need you in tea world.


I second that!

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drank Tricera-Tips Assam by Tea-Historic
6444 tasting notes

Holy cacao Batman! This is one chocolatey tea. Cacao and honey. Unfortunately, this cooled before I got a chance to drink it and that led to my mug being quite astringent. It wasn’t bad, though a little brisk for my tastes. Still it was fun to try so thank you Sil for the share.

My full review (and a rant about how much I love dinosaurs) can be found here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/05/15/tricera-tips-assam-from-tea-historic-2/

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Thank you, VariaTEA, for reminding me of this one. And for also reminding me that I really and truly do need to do more shopping in my own stash.

Deliciousness on this grim and cold rainy day. I needed something punchy, just like this.

Thank you, Sil, for sharing this with me.

And it’s a sip down!

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Well, this was very lovely in a very Yunnan black kind of way: bread and chocolate.

The day started off with strong rain and angry clouds and easily shifted things on my calendar, so I relished the thought of being able to hang out and do things at home and drink tea and tea and tea. Sadly, the day cleared up.

Fortunately, the neighbours kept the infant away from the adjoining wall for most of the day. Being awoken several times in the night is plenty exposure, thank you very much. Intolerant? Well, yes, but I’ve been putting up with this for months without going over there and pressing their doorbell in the middle of the night, so I think I am doing rather well.

I quite enjoyed this steep and resteep despite my thwarted plans.

Thank you for the sample, Sil. I look forward to another moment with delicious this and the rest of it.

Flavors: Bread, Chocolate

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Mesozoic Malt by Tea-Historic
6444 tasting notes

Malt and molasses that gets more and more brisk the cooler it gets. Best hot but tasty nonetheless. Thank you Sil! http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/05/09/mesozoic-malt-from-tea-historic/

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drank Mesozoic Malt by Tea-Historic
6444 tasting notes

Thank you Sil! This was an interesting one since it was brisk and yet not astringent. Instead it was brisk and malty. Somehow I felt like this would wake me up while also being smooth and desserty.

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I drank this last night and tried reviewing it then but steepster was on the fritz again. So what I do remember is that this was good. Chocolatey but with a solid base tea. Maybe a little more on the cacao side than I would have liked but still really good. Thank you Sil for the share!

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
15588 tasting notes

Started out my morning with this one since i shared some with VariaTEA and need to share a bit with my tea sister. Love having a sipdown AND a good solid cup of morning tea :) thanks nicole! (130 teas in the cupboard now thanks to VariaTEA)

Terri HarpLady

How many did you have before the box arrived?


i was down to about 80


Hahaha awesome.


i drink fast…i’m not worried. My puerh is more worrisome than samples.

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
15588 tasting notes

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
15588 tasting notes

noms. had this one earlier today as well and it was super tasty. Sort of an every day cup of tea that i could have any time for just wanting a solid cup of tea.

Terri HarpLady

I haven’t tried that company yet :)


It’s Nicole’s venture :)

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drank Mesozoic Malt by Tea-Historic
1764 tasting notes

This is goooooood. Highly malty and bold with a slight astringency that comes across as sour, in a pleasant way. It lingers in the aftertaste. More astringency comes out as the tea cools. And when I say malty, I mean… enough to fill a malt ball. Ahhhh love it!
There is a slight dustiness underneath it all. Not in a bad way… more like the tea is covered in velvet, or rather the tea is sipped through a velvet cover? It’s an interesting sensation!
I love how complex this is. The molasses type note in mid swallow is fun as well, not something I see that often in an Assam, not this strongly anyhow! :)
Thanks for the sample Nicole!


This is far and away my fave Assam right now. It’s only from the summer flush, though, so I have to really stock up this year. :)

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
1764 tasting notes

Sad sample sipdown!
Not enough for a full cup so I combined it with the last of my Joseph Wesley Assam. It was a lovely last cuppa. Malty yum. Farewell friend

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
1764 tasting notes

So much malt. Just perfect <3

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drank Paleozoic Peat by Tea-Historic
1764 tasting notes

This is good. Plain. Highly astringent mid and tail end of the sip. Malty throughout, in the aftertaste as well. I didn’t much like it sans milk or sugar so it’s a bit one dimensional.
It reminds me of Tim Horton’s tea. Or rather, a good cup of Tim’s tea… what I hope for it to be anyhow! Tim’s tends to be hit and miss, no idea why…
Also this is my second cup today. First one I tried with the hot tap water, second one was with boiled kettle water.
I definitely like the latter better, as it has more complexity and depth. First cup was much the same, only the liquor was thicker and the flavours were muted. Still, not bad for when I’m in a rush I suppose.
Also? total klutz moment as I dumped milk all over our carpeted floor. le sighs
Thank you for the sample Nicole!!


Those were pretty much my thoughts as well. Nothing fancy or complex but more malt than I expect in leaves that small. I think it’s a good morning tea.


Definitely! I would bet it is very forgiving as a blunder through my half awake morning routine :P

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SO GOOD!!! I love cacao and Assam, so it really is a no brainer. Thanks for the sample Nicole!
Malty and sweet. Just perfection. I kinda finished the cup before thinking about my note, I downed it so quickly I’m not sure it even happened :P


Yay! :)


Definitely yay!! :)

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drank Dawn of Time by Tea-Historic
1764 tasting notes

Tea #2 from my swap with Nicole/Tea-Historic. Thank you Nicole!
I’m not sure what to make of this tea. Not being a huge fan of vanilla, I went in with an open mind. The vanilla turned out to be rather mild, and a nice pairing with the malty black Assam base.
I didn’t expect the hint of smokiness though, it was a pleasant surprise as it wasn’t mentioned in the tea description. Perhaps the infuser at my boyfriend’s was tainted somehow? I’d brewed lemon oolong in the same cup last night, so that doesn’t really make sense.
The smoke note came out more as my tea cooled, and after I added milk. An interesting contrast to the vanilla.
Also, being a ctc, I feel rather caffeinated at the moment :P
I’ll have to see how it brews up in the office, under less than optimal conditions.

Evol Ving Ness

This one sounds delicious. I love the combination of vanilla, smoke, and malt. I will keep my eyes pealed for this one.


I recommend it, especially for ’nilla lovers :)


Interesting that you got smoke. I normally get smoky notes where others don’t but not from this blend. I can see that it would be an interesting combination!


Yeah, I’m not sure if it was the actual tea. The infuser I used(not mine) often has Twinnings EG in it. Maybe a remnant from that?


How did I not g et this one?


@Sil, I think you’d like it!

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Trying to get in some tea today since i’m back from vacation and want to clear out a few of the samples i have. This wasn’t a sample but was a sipdown and a nice start to my day earlier. sorry to see this go but hopefully i can clear out my cupboard a bit and pick up a few more teas from Nicole since i’ve quite enjoyed them!

Evol Ving Ness

And I have too, of the ones that I’ve tried so far.

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started today off with this cup of yum. Glad to have something a little brisk but not overly so, smooth and full of noms.

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Team from a few days ago and just what i can remember needing.

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Tried this one out today but puppy interrupted my tea drinking with a need to to go play outside with friends. So MOST of this cup was had relatively cold lol I’ll write a better review when i get another chance to drink it hot, but cold it was a nice cup – smooth without any bitterness, good way to start the day!

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drank Extinction Event by Tea-Historic
15588 tasting notes

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