T by Daniel

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drank Caramel Popcorn by T by Daniel
6444 tasting notes

Thank you Roswell Strange for sharing this with me! Today I paired it with tiny donuts from a shop called Darling Donuts in Hamilton. They’re cute and come in fun flavoured like salted caramel popcorn. Alas they’re cake donuts and not my favourite. I don’t think I’ll be revisiting it.

Unfortunately the same can be said for this tea. It’s not my favourite. It smelled so strongly of caramel but was basically just nut and a meh black base. In fairness to the tea, I’ve been holding onto it for over a year so it could be age. I just found it disappointing since the smell made promises that taste didn’t deliver on.

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drank Caramel Popcorn by T by Daniel
6444 tasting notes

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Sipdown (817)!

Woah! This was a share from Kittenna and it’s one I was so stoked to try because I very nearly ordered it this summer on a few occasions because it intrigued me so much…

This is suupppeeeerrrr aromatic and sweet smelling; I had the tea bag of it on my desk in the lab earlier today and when I walked in after lunch I could smell it clear across the room. It’s pretty candy sweet smelling, and very juicy/artificial in the watermelon notes but damn if I don’t adore it! Seems right up my alley in terms of watermelon profiles…

The infused cup is SO sweet!! It’s one of the strongest watermelon flavours I’ve probably run across – and clearly artificial, but I don’t personally mind that at all. It’s really juicy, exactly like a watermelon flavoured Jolly Rancher, or a watermelon slushy. The flavour is practically sticky, and after the sip it lingers in the mouth for ages in a really pleasant way. When I breath out it almost feels like I’m breathing out a watermelon sugar/mist in my breath. There’s a whisp of floral oolong right at the beginning of the sip that does break up some of the sweetness candy profile but this is basically all juicy, “florescent pink” hard candy.

I don’t know if this is still on the T By Daniel website, but if it’s back next summer then I think I’ll probably be all over this tea as a sweet melon oolong for icing or cold brewing…


I was very pleased with this one! Might even say I like it better than Lupicia’s.

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drank What? A Melon! by T by Daniel
6119 tasting notes

Got some of this from Amoda recently, in the hopes it would be similar to Lupicia’s melon oolong. Delightfully, it is! It’s not quite the same, perhaps a little less melon-y, and maybe a little less oolongy, but it’s really refreshing and flavourful. Definitely worth the purchase.

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drank Snow White by T by Daniel
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (216)

This week has felt sooooooo long and it is only Wednesday. I came home at the end of April and it seems that my family has become reliant on me so even on my weekends I am taking care of them and during the week I come home after being out for 12 hours and then have to cook dinner and clean up and do laundry. I live with 3 adults. 2 of which are home most days, all day. Plus, I had a seizure a week ago. You’d think they would help but they really don’t do much. So tea hasn’t happened much the past couple days. I’ve either just been too tired or on Monday I decided I didn’t want to be the house chef so I made plans and went out with my friends for Japanese BBQ.

Today was an easy evening because I made tonight’s meal yesterday. Yay past me! That meant tea. Yay tea! So I am sipping on this tea from Evol Ving Ness (thank you!) while I rewatch Drag Race some more. I was surprised when I first drank this because I expected a lot more apple than what I got. More than anything I got cinnamon/almond pastry and slightly woody rooibos. I don’t really like it if I am being honest. It reminds me of a pastry I got at the Danish Pastry House the other day – a hoj snegl – which was filled with what tasted like cinnamon custard. I didn’t like that either.


Cinnamon custard sounds good! Haha. Not this tea, though.


It was not. It was actually cinnamon and remonce.


ugh. I’m sorry that’s the situation these days. If we didn’t have the kiddo you could totally have come lived with us for the summer for a break haha


Awww thanks Sil. I’ve escaped to my sisters this weekend so I get to take a break.

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Thank you Roswell Strange for sharing this. Unfortunately the magic you seemed to find is lost on me. The chocolate flavor is coming through a bit muddy and it collides with some fruitiness which causes a sharp note in the middle as the flavor goes from chocolate to berry.

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I really enjoyed this share from Roswell Strange, thank you!! In fact, the Sororitea Sisters ended up ordering samples from T by Daniel because of my review about this tea. It is like a mix of fuzzy peaches sprinkled with some ginger flavor. A little sweet and slightly spiced. The best of both worlds to keep things in check.

Check out the full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2019/03/15/ginger-peach-snowcone-from-t-by-daniel/

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Sipdown (256)

I took my first zoloft last night and woke up super dizzy and nauseous. The ginger in this tea was my friend and I think I will miss this now that it’s gone. Thank you for sharing, Roswell Strange!

Evol Ving Ness

Hope that’s the worst of it and you soon find what you need from it.

hugs to you


Good luck getting things sorted out with the meds – I hope any side effects taper off quickly, and they give you the desired results :)


Oh dear! Dizzy and nauseous are no fun! Prayers for feeling better in every way, and having only beneficial effects with no nasty side effects! Hugs to you from afar. Anxiety is nasty business. You will beat it!

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Roswell Strange sent me an awesome package of tea deliciousness and I was super excited yesterday when it arrived. I was also on the edge of having a breakdown since the last couple days have been overwhelming between coming off the stress of drafting a 20 page research memo, having to assemble job application packets and drafting cover letters for firms for applications due today at 5, having surprise client meetings today and yesterday morning I had to prepare for, and having to read a bunch of cases to work on a project with a friend today. So while I enjoyed some of the teas yesterday, I am only now adding them to my cupboard today…now that I finally have a second to breathe.

The most frustrating part was that yesterday was just supposed to be just cover letters, which is manageable but then we got assigned our project and it turned out we needed to do a lot more than we originally anticipated. Then while we were working on our project yesterday I got an email from the receptionist at the community legal services I am volunteering with saying that my client wanted to make the appointment we scheduled for Friday sooner. My concern was that she realized her deadline was coming up for a time sensitive application and needed to be in sooner rather than later so I accommodated. Then today after the stress of yesterday that was exacerbated by my accommodating the client, the client tells me that she moved up the meeting because she checked the weather and today is warmer than Friday. I could have killed her. However, it is done and I was able to get through and be useful on the project despite not getting through many of the cases. And the applications are submitted and now I am watching The Gifted and drinking tea. This tea that smells like the perfect combination of peach and ginger, both dry and steeped.

The flavor is nice too. It is reflective of the scent but not as strong. Not nearly as strong. The scent is sweet fuzzy peaches and ginger but the flavor is not nearly as sweet. It doesn’t have much ginger either. Just a touch of each flavor. A whisper of the scent itself. Nice but not amazing. Perhaps I need to change steeping parameters to coax out the flavors…this time I went with 185F water for 3 minutes. Thank you for sharing Roswell Strange! And if you have steeping recommendations, I’m all ears.

Cameron B.

So sorry that your week has been so stressful! Here’s hoping that the rest of it will have less stress and more tea.


I just have to make it to Friday and then I get to go home and visit with my family…and my puppies! Thankfully the bulk of things were done today so the next couple of days shouldn’t be too bad.


if you want your tea, let me know but also don’t stress about it since you’re just up for the weekend. There’s only a few, so i’m more than happy to hold them for longer.

Roswell Strange

Sorry to hear about all of the stress :( As for tea tea, I’d try upping your steep temp a little bit. From the few times I’ve had this, I recall it being pretty resilient to heat.

Evol Ving Ness

Hurray for tea joy! Hope the stress and overwhelm subsides a bit or becomes a bit more manageable. And hurray for tea frens making things a whole lot more pleasant, regardless of the circumstances.

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drank Vanilla Coco Loco by T by Daniel
6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! A great Toronto Tea Festival purchase; I drank a ton of this at work and finished off the final cup at home, after starting my at leave. This is a really tasty vanilla/coconut/white blend, very desserty and light, and delicious.

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Steeped this one up Sunday because it was just a nice and reliably average ginger peach tea. Also just to be clear, I’m not intending average to be a negative or critical statement. There’s something to be said about having the kind of teas in your stash that just have an expected classic flavour and that’s what I wanted when I gravitated towards this over the weekend. No frills, no twist. Ginger. Peach. Comfort.


Didn’t this company close?

Roswell Strange

Kinda – they closed for a while but relatively recently reopened as a Chai Bar. IIRC they only carry one tea now? But I’m less familiar with the newly rebranded Chai Bar concept than I was with their LLT store.

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Cold Brew.

Ginger Peach… Soapcone!? That’s really all I have to say about this one.

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Had a mug of this with supper today, and it was pretty nice. I kept the steep time short, which brought out more of a sweet and dewy floral peach note and a little bit less ginger. The ginger was still there for some warmth, and depth but I liked that the overall cup profile was more light, fresh and fruity.

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From the weekend!

Nice hot cup of tea from the weekend – sipped on with my breakfast, which happened to be some macarons and a bowl of strawberries. It was sweet – I like sweet, I think most people here on Steepster know that about me by now. Also refreshing though, and pleasantly fruity. This is a really nice classic ginger and peach combo; it’s hard to screw that up – even with my not being a huge ginger fan.

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This is what I’m currently sipping on, and it’s pretty good but not quite as sweet and peachy as I was hoping that it would taste: perhaps I just got a scoop that was a little bit more ginger weighted? It’s still nice and light, refreshing though and I think picking a tea with ginger in it was a good choice for me right now since I was feeling a little bit bloat-y and having some tummy rumbling issues…

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From what I can recall from drinking this one, it was a little less sweet and more ginger heavy than my first cup of it was – however, I feel like I’ve been spoiling myself with very bright/sweet peach flavoured white teas lately so it might also just be that this isn’t nearly as sweet at the other peach white teas I’ve had as of late…

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The last of my T by Daniel haul (from earlier in the year) that I hadn’t tried…

Not really sure what makes this tea “snowcone” inspired but, regardless of the fact that imagery seems like a stretch to me, I still really enjoyed the overall flavour of this blend. It just seemed so amazingly fresh and juicy with these really sweet peach notes that dominated the cup. I definitely wont go so far as to say it was a natural peach, because it had a bit of a candied/somewhat syrupy quality to it, BUT it was still very rich and bright. The ginger wasn’t as strong as expected, but still present. If the peach was the lively, vibrant top note of the sip then the ginger was the warming grounding element creeping in from the back of the sip, and lingering after the swallow on the back of your tongue.

Obviously ginger and peach go together really well – or, at least, enough people agree that they do for that to be ‘a thing’. I think this is just a really well done example of that. A little heavier on the peach, but I like it like that.

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drank Love Note by T by Daniel
16967 tasting notes

Definitely still a little bit artificial and there was a borderline oiliness to the mouthfeel but the brisk black tea combined with the simple peach and strawberry notes are still nice for when you want something a little more stripped down and straightforward. Revisiting this tea was overall nice.


Did this company close a while back?

Evol Ving Ness

Yes, sadly they did.

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drank Love Note by T by Daniel
16967 tasting notes

Cold Brew!

I had this one yesterday and while it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t great either. Definitely captured both strawberry and peach notes, but also highly artificial tasting and even a little bit perfume-y; but quite borderline in that last regard.

It was still something nice to sip on which having a good TV binge though – I started watching Siren last week, and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Because I am a basic AF, water loving pisces; I love a good mermaid TV show/movie, so that’s what caught my attention. However, I was not expecting the canon polyamorous triad that make up a solid chunk of the main characters, and I am here for it. So loving, supportive, and well portrayed. Also not overly sexualized; and an organic story development. It’s great.


Where can I watch this?? I am sold.

Roswell Strange

The third season is currently airing on Freeforum; I’m still catching up though (I’m halfway through the second season) and I’ve just been watching it online through streaming sites.


Thanks! I’ll see if I can find somewhere to watch it in the UK, but I won’t hold my breath. Fingers crossed it gets onto Netflix or something eventually!

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drank Love Note by T by Daniel
16967 tasting notes

Drank this tea day that DT’s Valentine’s Collection launched because I was feeling inspired to go through my cupboard and brew up some of my V-Day themed teas that I hadn’t had in a while. This was basically just a very artificial strawberry and peach combo – sort of reminded me of some sort of tangy five scent candy. Maybe peach rings? Had a weirdly oily mouthfeel. Wasn’t awful, but very ‘meh’. Kind of reemphasized for me why it’s ended up being such a forgettable tea within my stash…

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drank Love Note by T by Daniel
16967 tasting notes

Iced, with some agave.

This one smells the best of all the T by Daniels blends I got, at least in my opinion. It’s supposed to be a strawberry peach flavour so I figured that would make for a nice iced tea. It wasn’t my favourite though; had a very bitter overtone to it and both the strawberry and the peach notes were a little artificial/chemical tasting. I had to add agave just to smooth over some of the roughness. It was drinkable overall, but not great.

Perhaps it will be better as a hot tea, maybe with a shorter steep time.

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Bit of that melted down chocolate oil slick situation happening on the top of the infusion, but ultimately a very delicious and tasty cup of tea! Smooth and creamy milk chocolate notes with a sweet and bright strawberry – I get a lot of flashbacks to Love Tea #7 from DT, but I think this is sweeter and the strawberry note seems a little stronger as well.

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So, what I’ve been doing while packing is putting a mix of stuff in each box so that if any one box gets lost I don’t lose ALL of one type of thing. Like, a couple travel mugs in each box, some infuser mugs, a teapot or two, some clothing, some comic books, some tins of tea, some board games, some gaiwans, a tea tray, etc.

I’ve also been trying to have a mug or two of tea with each box packed of one or two of the tins of tea that are going into that box – a “last cup” before they get sent away for a few weeks. This was one of those teas that I grabbed to sip on while packing; and it was actually a really good cup. Like, I knew I liked this tea when I selected it but it was so much better than I recalled it being. Sweet and creamy, with very fudgey/hot cocoa sort of chocolate notes and then a brilliant jammy strawberry quality to the mid sip.

Chocolate in tea is a funny thing; I don’t hate it but I don’t love it. But something about this particular cup of tea made me realize that I have a particularly soft spot for strawberry and chocolate teas. They’re great dessert flavour pairings, and I like fruit and chocolate combos just in general…


Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-14ylqaQC0&index=10&list=LL1M1wDjmJD4SJr_CwzXAGuQ

(Just one of many songs that are part of my packing/jam playlist…)

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If I was smart I would have made a glass of this on the day of the Royal Wedding, but I’m not smart so I’m going to enjoy a cup of this one now instead and just say that I’m having it in ‘spirit of’ the wedding. To be honest, I don’t really care though – it doesn’t effect me at all, and I think it’s a weird pop culture fixation.

This tea is good though; it’s growing on me despite some of the more artificial characteristics is has going on. Mostly smooth milk chocolate though, and sweet strawberry. Really does feel like a chocolate dipped strawberry without so much of the cloying sweetness. I can get behind that, especially as a late night mug to sate some sweet cravings…

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