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Man, two years can make a world of difference in terms of opinions… Can’t it!?

I mean, I didn’t exactly love this cup because it did essentially just taste like a very, very sweet juice with a generic leaning red flavour, but I’m not gonna be as harsh on it as I was back then because I grabbed it when I was dying of thirst and just needed something cold and chuggable while taking the metro home and, y’know what? It served a need, and I was very happy with its ability to do so in the moment!

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You want to drink something that tastes like liquid table sugar and the colour red!? Well, this this flavour of snapple is the one for you!


I love the Snapple iced teas if I MUST drink a sugary bottled drink. I like the peach and mango flavors… never had this one though.

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drank Mango Madness by Snapple
17027 tasting notes

Feeling too lazy to really flesh out this Steepster entry; oh well…

This was fine; I grabbed a bottle from the Depanneur on the commute home last week because I was just dying of thirst and didn’t think I could wait the forty minutes until I was home. I practically chugged it – it was very refreshing. That said, it wasn’t really super tasty. Really generic tropical fruit vibes – didn’t taste specifically like mango at all.

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drank Diet Peach Tea by Snapple
17027 tasting notes

It may have just been the regular peach flavour that I drank, and not the diet version – but honestly at this point tonight I’m too tired to both look it up and then, if it was the non diet version, create a new Steepster entry…

Anyway; I guess I’m exploring the different Snapple flavours now!? That wasn’t anything I set out intentionally to do, but it’s just so fucking hot in Montreal right now that it’s near unbearable to walk from work to the metro station without grabbing something cold to drink on the way – and I still prefer crappy RTD iced teas over getting a soda.

Lemon is still my favourite; but this was alright. Better than raspberry, that’s for sure. I know it says this is all natural, but it really tastes like an artificial peach flavour to me. Sort of like Tim Horton’s Peach Juice or Fuzzy Peaches without the sourness. It’s fine; but tooooo sweet!

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drank Raspberry Tea by Snapple
17027 tasting notes

Just a quick pick from the Depanneur before heading out thrift shopping for the afternoon – early in the week, that is. Somehow I forgot to make myself a travel mug of tea before an afternoon out; how does that even happen!? This was fine for hydration, but tasted too sweet and not enough like raspberry or tea. I prefer the lemon flavour, for sure, if I have to choose a quick RTD option…

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drank Lemon Tea by Snapple
17027 tasting notes

As far as bottled iced teas so, this isn’t terrible. It’s quite sweet but not the sweetest I’ve ever experienced – more lemon than actual tea. Good for a metro ride when I wanted quick refreshment, but not ideal for when you want actual tea…

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Ok, another added tea. This must be a new thing because none of the varieties are on here.
I bought this at the grocery store because it was part of a promotion. Bought 2 bottles. Naturally I got the unsweetened variety, but had automatically assumed these would need sweetener because what grocery store tea doesn’t?
Well first bottle, added two splendas right off. Took a swig. Instant regret. It actually tasted like really quality tea that someone had tried to ruin with sweetener. So I was forced to add a third splenda so that all i could taste was the sweetener. Choked that down and moved on.
Today, Did NOT make that same mistake. Cracked open the second bottle, and wouldn’t you know, this is actually really tasty. It almost reminds me if someone tried to ice a yunnan golden black. It has smooth cocoa notes, along with a background natural sweetness to it. I had to double check that there was no honey in it because it almost tasted as though there was. Nope, no honey. Just really good quality black tea. I can’t believe it. It’s a grocery store Iced tea that I don’t have to drown in splenda. I’m definitely going to have to invest in more of this.
Note: The ingredients include “Citric Acid”. If it’s in there, it’s just enough to act as a preservative. I don’t taste anything citrus. Honestly, this may be my new goto quicky iced tea. It supposedly has 0 calories, so I can pound it down guilt free. Great stuff. Highly recommend.

Flavors: Cocoa, Honey

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drank Diet Peach Tea by Snapple
115 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea by Snapple
2977 tasting notes

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drank Cherry pomegranate by Snapple
2977 tasting notes

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drank Lemon Tea by Snapple
2977 tasting notes

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There is a little bit of rocker & punk in me, and more so that I’ve tried this. I grabbed this today, wanting to try a new Snapple. It’s Diet, so I was immediately drawn to it. Then I saw it was Bret Michaels’ blend, so I was in!

This is a hearty iced tea with a vibrant and mouth-satisfying blend of tropical fruits. I wouldn’t compare this to other iced teas, however, as I didn’t brew it myself. But this was a great treat today, and with only 10 calories in the entire bottle, my body thanked me for not opting for a 220 cal bottle of Coke.


We bought this when it first came out (after Bret won the Celebrity Apprentice), but I didn’t taste it (I’m allergic to aspartame). My husband did and wasn’t crazy about it, but my brother in law loves the stuff, so we get it for him for when he visits.


I guess I should have explained it wasn’t necessarily new, just “new to me!” :)

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Backlogging and got this to take along while I was shopping yesterday. Nice has a medium peach taste with abit of gentle green. I believe this is a fairly good tea but not one of my favorites. and I perfer cane sugar as a sweetner.


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drank Compassionberry Tea by Snapple
64 tasting notes

Good to drink but the tea is undetectable.

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drank Mango Green Tea by Snapple
2977 tasting notes

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drank Lemon Tea by Snapple
3 tasting notes

The 7-eleven across the street always tempts me with a variety of frosty beverages, but most of them are riddled with high fructose corn syrup (danger!). This simple iced tea provides a HFCS-free alternative that is quite tasty on a warm summer night. Thanks, Snapple!

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drank Lemon Tea by Snapple
1792 tasting notes

You know how I was whining about residence kicking students out during the winter break? Someone finally got back to me and said that grad students are allowed to stay after all! So perhaps I should accept, but I only have three days left, so let’s hope they could get the contract and money in three days. Got to make up my mind soon!

So this tea, if we should call it that. I’ve had a tall boy of this in my mom’s cupboard since last year. No Frill’s had them on sale for like 50 cents a piece so why not. Had it chilling in the fridge, just cracked it open, and it reminds me of my childhood. Well, more accurately, when I was 10- to 13-years-old. That’s when I got into Lipton Brisk iced tea. Used to crave it, even after basketball practice.

But yeah, it’s super sweet, but not bad.


I used to drink Snapple all the time. I tried one the other day and could barely drink it because it was so sweet!


I know, right? I actually felt kind of sick after I was finished despite the fact that it took me six hours to drink.

When I was a kid, my family went out to this restaurant which served brewed iced tea. Being on my Brisk kick, I jumped on board, and the waitress even warned me that it’s brewed so it won’t be nearly as sweet as what I’m probably used to. She was so right! I barely drank it. Stupid kid, I’m sure I’d appreciate it a lot more now.

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drank Lemon Tea by Snapple
18 tasting notes

Wonderful flavour!

Almost like lemonade and is absolutely refreshing!

Enjoy :)

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drank iced peach green by Snapple
18 tasting notes

Great quick and on the go tea, tastes wonderfully!

Has a good flavour, and is very refreshing. If you like peach I recommend this.

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drank Mangoooooo by Snapple
1 tasting notes

Love this tea….can’t find it though. Any suggestions?

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This is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. It is expensive, but tasty. It doesn’t taste as fake as some diet bottled teas. I would prefer not to have artificial sweetener, but this is a good alternative to sugary sweetened teas. The tropical flavoring is great. The tea flavor is kind of typical of bottled teas and not super strong, but still tasty.


We bought this right when it came out because we’re huge Bret Michael’s fans (interestingly enough, I think I am a bigger fan of him now than I was in the 80s), but I can’t drink it because I’m allergic to aspartame. Hubby tried it and didn’t really care for it, but my BIL likes it alright, so we occasionally will get some of this for when he visits.

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drank Mangoooooo by Snapple
4 tasting notes

I like this tea, it’s soft and refreshing.

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drank Sweet Tea by Snapple
2977 tasting notes

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drank Sweet Tea by Snapple
2977 tasting notes

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