Saku Tea

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drank Maca Cocoa Jade by Saku Tea
2588 tasting notes

My friend bought this at a local chocolate and coffee festival, and she didn’t like it, so she very kindly gave the 2 oz bag to me. The matcha itself is quite umami, while the chocolate is pretty rich and authentic. The cocoa mixes with and balances out the umami matcha flavor. I mixed it into cold milk and added lots of sugar. Though I enjoyed my first cup, my second cup I found to be a little savory for my preferences, maybe due to the maca? I think it’s better with almond/soy milk, which can tame some of the umami flavor. It also turns out clumpier than matcha I’ve tried from other companies. My partner really enjoys this one hot with soy milk. I wish it were less savory.


Interesting. I use maca a lot in smoothies, and it always tastes malty to me.
Bummer about the savory.


I’m not familiar with the flavor of maca, so it’s possible it was just the matcha itself I was tasting!

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drank Golden Orange by Saku Tea
1324 tasting notes

Second Favorite of the three.
I was especially excited to try this one because it has turmeric in it which is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. I didn’t really have any pain after the extraction of my (4) wisdom teeth or during but still had some swelling. This was my original choice to order instead of the Maple Vanilla Matcha the previous day but knowing how indecisive I am. I panicked and asked what was the most popular and went with that one so I didn’t seem rude. I’m glad I ended up still being able to try all three before I arrived back home.

This was prepared with steamed almond milk. I really like the tumeric blend they use in this because the pepper stands out but is pleasant. I normally really hate pepper. The sweetness and creaminess comes through with it smoothing it out. The one thing I’m missing from this is the orange that is supposed to be in there. I don’t taste any orange or citrus whatsoever. I’m also getting notes of coconut which is strange considering there is no coconut in my cup. This is a very vibrant tasting latte in terms of the balance of spice and sweetness.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Pepper, Spices, Sweet

Boiling 12 OZ / 354 ML

Sounds tasty!

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drank Ruby Cocoa by Saku Tea
1324 tasting notes

So This is from the same bakery that I tried the Maple Vanilla Matcha at. The day after we stopped on our drive home and I ordered the Golden Orange while a family member ordered this one. So that I could try both and review them since I couldn’t decide. Even though I only had a few sips of this I really liked it.

Prep: latte style with almond milk.

Flavor wise this one has more of an earthy taste even though it is just as sweet as the other two. I get hints of sweet potatoes, soil, earth, and beetroot. Still very creamy as well. I might need to try to recreate these at home but don’t see it turning out as yummy. This was probably my least favorite of the three that I had tried even though they were all close.

Flavors: Cocoa, Creamy, Earth, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes, Wet Earth

Boiling 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Went to a local bakery in Astoria and ordered a cup of this. They carry three tea blends from this company. I ordered mine as a latte with Soy milk. Had to wait till it cooled down quite a bit since it’s day 4 post-wisdom teeth removal for me. This was delicious very creamy, sweet, with your typical grassy matcha flavor. It was pretty spendy for an 8 oz cup but definitely something I would buy to make at home when I get the chance to go to the main store. I read that this company was a start up not too long ago and has a store front up in Bellingham. Tomorrow I’m going to try one of the other two flavors that the bakery carries to compare it.

Flavors: Creamy, Grass, Maple, Sweet, Vanilla

8 OZ / 236 ML

Oh, that sounds amazing!

Mastress Alita

Sounds like a solid flavor combination!

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