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drank Camomile by Nutratea
2987 tasting notes

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drank Camomile by Nutratea
2987 tasting notes

The oldest, stalest chamomile are always my favourite. Fresh chamomile is just too vegetal for my liking. This teabag was found at the back of my friend’s pantry and is at least several years old. Score!

It made an excellent cup. 300 mL hot water, steeped the teabag 4 minutes. It produced a delicious chamomile flavour with notes of hay/dried grass, bales of straw, lemon, and pollen.

Flavors: Dry Grass, Hot Hay, Lemon, Straw

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I actually just tried to Google aged chamomile. It’s not really a thing I’m afraid to say


Too bad, because it tastes so much better. I find grandparents/older family friends usually have an old stash of teas. I often buy 3-crown camomile (idk why they spell it that way) and it seems to come stale. The cheapest brands are usually the best bet, dollar stores or cheap grocery store chamomile is usually a lot tastier than fresh loose leaf or expensive pyramid sachets.

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drank Linden Tea by Nutratea
661 tasting notes

This was a sample from Christina. Thanks Christina!

I enjoyed this tea at work yesterday. I reminded me of Honesuckle which I love too. It has that honey sweetness to it. After reading Christina’s review on this tea , now I will be on a hunt to find this one in whole leaf form. I ran across some on Mountain Rose Herbs.

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drank Organic Peppermint by Nutratea
1 tasting notes

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drank Linden Tea by Nutratea
2291 tasting notes

Another tea from Christina!

It’s actually pretty decent. Nice mild herbal lemonish flavour. Reading her notes, it seems like this would be much better freshly dried and whole, instead of crushed bits in paper… but still! I enjoyed it tonight with the banana bread muffins I made.

I didn’t use walnuts, and I used a gluten free flour blend based on buckwheat. Forgot to add the chocolate chips too. Everybody knows that banana bread needs chocolate chips, not walnuts! ;)

Christina / BooksandTea

Man, I bet buckwheat muffins/donuts would be amaaaazing.


Just buckwheat tends to be like bricks, but a blend with tapioca and rice starch and some millet or something works quite well. :)

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Backlog from a few nights ago.

My mom and my husband like to joke about how much tea I now have (I went from having a few varieties in January to now having enough to warrant a separate goddamned cupboard. :D). So when my mom said a few nights ago that she wanted some tea in the evening, she made the obligatory “gee, do we have any in the house?” snarky comment we all know and love.

I love my mommy, but I have to admit that when she wants tea, I give her the stuff I’m not as fond of, because I know she’ll still be okay with it. (Actually, I fob off the sub-par tean on family members a lot. Ain’t I a stinker?)

We went with this tea a few nights ago because it was late and because I know that linden tea is something my mom’s okay with.

It wasn’t bad, but you really do have to be careful in steeping this – don’t do it for too long or it becomes a cloying, chamomile-ish mess. Much better to let this just get to pale gold in the liquor and then toss the bag.

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Backlog from waaaaay last week.

Oh. My. God. Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to find linden tea in Toronto? It’s not in the tea shops. It’s not in the health food stores. It’s not in grocery stores.

The only reason I have this tea is that I decided, on a whim, to go to Honest Ed’s last week. I’m rarely in that part of town, the store is going to be torn down in a few years, and it’s a Toronto landmark and icon. Why not go?

People, they had not one, but two varieties of linden tea there. Granted, it was the cheap bagged stuff, but it will have to considering the relative rarity of linden tea on this side of the Atlantic.

Unfortunately, it’s not the greatest. I’ve tried Harney and Son’s Tilleul, which has gotten nearly universal negative reviews, and this tastes similar. To really get the good authentic linden tea experience, you’ll have to try it with whole leaves and flowers, like my uncle’s family back in Macedonia does – they dry it by hand from the rafters.

Anyways, this will stay in the cupboard out of nostalgia. My mom will probably enjoy the rest of this.


What exactly IS Linden tea?

Christina / BooksandTea

Linden tea is made from the flowers of the linden tree (and I think some of the specialized leaves that occur when the tree blooms). Lindens bloom in the GTA in late June/early July, and they smell magnificent when you stand under a tree in flower.

It’s also known as lime (but not the citrus type of lime) and basswood. You’ve probably seen such a tree without knowing what it was:

Michelle Butler Hallett

Linden ROCKS. I had some in a big old assortment box once, and the linden age were the first to go.

Michelle Butler Hallett

Stash’s Chanakara No 7, White Lotus, has a fair bit of linden in the blend, if you’re interested. Linden, chamomile, chrysanthemum, and white lotus.

Michelle Butler Hallett

Sorry — linden age = linden bags

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