Maison des 3 Thes

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As my enthusiasm gears up for my focus pile, I seem to be neglecting my bits of samples from swaps and tea frens. And sometimes for quite a while. Eeek! Please do not take this personally. Issues. And cannot seem to focus on all the things.

This smooth stone-fruity loveliness is delightful. Very much enjoying this cup.

Thank you, Sil.

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Finished this one off this morning. I’ve been up since kiddo woke me up the first time, but didn’t start doing anything besides trying to sleep until she woke up the second time. Yesterday was a long day, so i suspect on little sleep, today will be even longer. started with this one to finish it up since i picked up a few new teas the other day for my birthday. Gotta keep those numbers down! haha i’ve never been in love with this one but it’s a decent strong bold puerh. would like to try more from this company now that i know more of what i like.

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trying to have at least one puerh every day this week, ideally two, so i can get through every one in my cupboard. Tried this one gonfu today and it was a decent enough puerh but nothing to write home about. Smooth, earthy, dark, tasty….but didn’t change substantially after each session. Still enjoyable though, so can’t argue there.

final count: 21

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I started the day with this one – like i said, trying and re-trying all my puerh. Lazy western brew with this, in part since those are the instructions they wrote on the top of it and because i do not yet feel the need to hoard any of my puerh that isn’t mandala haha. I can get behind this one…a little mushroom-y…smooth…classic sort of ripe puerh. Would be interesting to see if it changes and how, by having a gonfu session. next week!

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I am not loving this one. It makes for easy drinking as it’s smooth and light but the flavor is a touch too earthy for my tastes. It was fun to try though so thank you Sil for adding it to the box.

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

tea from this morning. trying to cope with my stupid foot which is worse in the random humidity we’ve gotten over the past few days and pack for my vacation that will be much less enjoyable thanks to my foot. awesome hiking trip….in which i can’t actually hike lol this was a good cup of reliable to get me going.

Evol Ving Ness

Sorry that you won’t be hiking, Sil. Take care of that foot.


Aw, sorry you won’t get to hike. It’s still a vacation though!

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

another one from today. Average every day cup :)

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

another tea from this afternoon. Easy drinking, nothing too complex to think about.

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

starting the morning off slowly with breakfast and tea with my other half before he abandons me and puppy. We’ve got a winery event tonight, so that will be fun. Mostly i just need a rest day since i’ve gone hard with running, walking and biking this past week. Don’t want to injure myself. Had a lovely time meeting dexter yesterday, though apparently we had to yell to talk more than i thought as my throats a little sore this morning haha

Evol Ving Ness

Have you killed off Dexter, Sil? We haven’t heard from her today.


it’s possible. I suspect however that she’s out enjoying the beautiful day. I had suggested High Park for the cherry blossoms.

Evol Ving Ness

Good suggestion. Sakura in High Park, nice. Where did you guys walk together?


up to summerhill from bay/bloor and then down to harbourfront center, and then back up to carlton/yonge :)


hahah that’s why omgsrsly said she’d experienced “Sil” I can’t help it…that’s a short walk..i can do it for days…

Evol Ving Ness

Well, I’ve been warned.

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

i have to say i love the net neutrality of this one. Just a good cup to drink that doesn’t require thought but still provides a good solid cup of what i need.

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

Struggling today. Ever since we got back from vacation, my other half has been coming home late as he tries to catch up with the apparent shit show that happened at work while he was away. As a result i haven’t slept well all week since i often can’t sleep until i know he’s home/close to home. I am still enjoying this one..for me it’s one of those every day sort of, don’t have to think about it teas. I don’t need to buy this again, but it’s good enough for every day while i still have it :)

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

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drank Yi Hong Mao Feng by Maison des 3 Thes
15588 tasting notes

All this talk of maison des trois thes made me want to pull this one out of my cupboard. I have some puerh from there as well that i need to get around to trying but that’s on the list of things to do in 2017 haha.

This is a seriously easy drinking tea…delicious without being something that needs to be heavily thought about. I ended up drinking down my cup without even realising it, so i’ll need to make better notes next time i have it! however i think that speaks to it’s tastiness :)

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